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The modules Monad

Computer Science

The modules Monad.Control.Except and Monad.Control.State contain definitions of various extensions of the Monadclass. We can use these to write functions which work for any monad m satisfying the correct interface.

For example, the MonadError class, defined here, adds a method

throwError :: e -> m a

allowing you to return an error of type e.

Similarly, the MonadState class, defined here adds methods

get :: m s
put :: s -> m ()
modify :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()

which allow you to manipulate the state carried by the monad m.

Implementation Tasks

Consider the following type of calculator expressions:

data CalcExpr = Val Int
              | Add CalcExpr CalcExpr
              | Mult CalcExpr CalcExpr
              | Div CalcExpr CalcExpr
              | Sub CalcExpr CalcExpr

Write an evaluator which runs in any monad supporting exceptions and which throws an error when it encounters a division by zero.

eval :: MonadError String m => CalcExpr -> m Int

Notice how we have specialized the error type e from MonadError to String here. This means that when you encounter a divide by zero, you should return an error message as a string.

Now let's imagine a calculator with an integer state which allows the user to update this state using commands. Here is a data type describing a list of commands:

data CalcCmd = EnterC
             | StoreC Int CalcCmd
             | AddC Int CalcCmd
             | MultC Int CalcCmd
             | DivC Int CalcCmd
             | SubC Int CalcCmd

Write a function

run :: (MonadState Int m, MonadError String m) => CalcCmd -> m ()

which runs the given sequence of commands in any monad supporting state and exceptions. Each of the AddC, MultC, DivC and SubC commands should apply the corresponding operation on the provided argument and whatever the current state is. The StoreC command manually updates the state. Finally, EnterC terminates the calculation, returning the unit type.


Here are two calculator expressions:

expr1 = Mult (Add (Val 4) (Val 7)) (Div (Val 10) (Val 2))
expr2 = Sub (Val 10) (Div (Val 14) (Val 0))

The Either type implements the required monadic interface. Hence we can evaluate using this type as follows:

ghci> eval expr1 :: Either String Int
Right 55
ghci> eval expr2 :: Either String Int
Left "Divide by zero!"

Now here are two command sequences:

cmd1 = StoreC 7 (AddC 14 (DivC 3 EnterC))
cmd2 = StoreC 10 (MultC 2 (DivC 0 EnterC))

To run these, we will need to choose an implementation of the state monad to use. We can do this by introducting the following type synonym:

type CS a = StateT Int (Either String) a

Now we can do:

ghci> runStateT (run cmd1 :: CS ()) (0 :: Int)
Right ((),7)
ghci> runStateT (run cmd2 :: CS ()) (0 :: Int)
Left "Divide by zero!"

The value 7 in Right ((),7) is showing us the resulting state of the calculator after the sequence of commands. This makes sense: we first store 7, then add 14 to the stored value and then divide by 3, leaving a result of 7.

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