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Homework answers / question archive / Basic Econometrics Individual Assignment This is an individual assignment where you must work alone
Basic Econometrics
Individual Assignment
This is an individual assignment where you must work alone. You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment in Canvas in pdf, doc or docx format along with your R-code. Hard copies will not be accepted. Show your calculations (if any) as well as answering the questions in clear full sentences. Log referrers to natural logarithm!
Use the dataset: WDI_2310.RData
Use R to run a cross sectional regression on GDP per capita for the listed countries as follows:
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1lnConspc+ β2Trade+β3Alco+β4Popgr+u
The variables are defined as follows:
GDPpc = GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
Conspc = Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2015 US$) [NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD]
Trade = Trade (% of GDP) [NE.TRD.GNFS.ZS]
Alco = Total alcohol consumption per capita (liters of pure alcohol, 15+ years of age) [SH.ALC.PCAP.LI]
Popgr = Population growth (annual %) [SP.POP.GROW]
You will have to take the natural log of GDPpc and Consumption per capita yourself using R!
5 marks
4 marks
3 marks
3 marks
3 marks
2 marks
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1lnConspc+ β2Trade+β3Alco+β4Popgr+β5Popgr2+ u
Explain if adding Popgr2
is a good idea or not. (1 mark)
Interpret whether the relationship between Ln(GDPpc) and Popgr it is U-shaped or inverted U-shaped in Q7. (2 marks)
Interpret the impact of population growth on the GDP per capita in Q7 when population growth is 3%. (3 marks)
6 marks
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1Alco+
Comment on how the coefficient on “Alco” differs from that of Q1! (1 mark)
Why do you observe this difference and what does it mean for the (un)biasedness of the coefficient in Q8? (2 mark)
3 marks
5 marks
6 marks
Assignment Total: 40 marks
Critical values for the standard normal distribution (z)
Confidence level (1-α) |
Level of Significance (α) |
Two–Sided cα/2 |
One-Sided, Critical Value cα |
One-Sided, Critical Value -cα |
90% |
10% |
1.645 |
1.28 |
-1.28 |
95% |
5% |
1.96 |
1.645 |
-1.645 |
99% |
1% |
2.58 |
2.33 |
-2.33 |
Formula for a t-statistic
t =estimate-hypothesised valuestandard error
Formula for a (1-α)% confidence interval
CI1-α=β-cα/2*seβ, β+cα/2*seβ
Logarithmic/Quadratic/Interaction specifications
For the model logy=β0+β1x1+β2x2
, the exact effect of a change in explanatory variable x2 is:
For a quadratic specification of the form:
The turning point (maximum/minimum) is given by:
The approximation of the marginal effect of x on y is given by:
For a interaction specification of the form:
The approximation of the marginal effect of x1 on y is given by: ?y?x1≈β1+β2x2
Basic Econometrics
Individual Assignment
This is an individual assignment where you must work alone. You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment in Canvas in pdf, doc or docx format along with your R-code. Hard copies will not be accepted. Show your calculations (if any) as well as answering the questions in clear full sentences. Log referrers to natural logarithm!
Use the dataset: WDI_2310.RData
Use R to run a cross sectional regression on GDP per capita for the listed countries as follows:
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1lnConspc+ β2Trade+β3Alco+β4Popgr+u
The variables are defined as follows:
GDPpc = GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)
Conspc = Households and NPISHs final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2015 US$) [NE.CON.PRVT.PC.KD]
Trade = Trade (% of GDP) [NE.TRD.GNFS.ZS]
Alco = Total alcohol consumption per capita (liters of pure alcohol, 15+ years of age) [SH.ALC.PCAP.LI]
Popgr = Population growth (annual %) [SP.POP.GROW]
You will have to take the natural log of GDPpc and Consumption per capita yourself using R!
5 marks
4 marks
3 marks
3 marks
3 marks
2 marks
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1lnConspc+ β2Trade+β3Alco+β4Popgr+β5Popgr2+ u
Explain if adding Popgr2
is a good idea or not. (1 mark)
Interpret whether the relationship between Ln(GDPpc) and Popgr it is U-shaped or inverted U-shaped in Q7. (2 marks)
Interpret the impact of population growth on the GDP per capita in Q7 when population growth is 3%. (3 marks)
6 marks
Ln(GDPpc) = β0+β1Alco+
Comment on how the coefficient on “Alco” differs from that of Q1! (1 mark)
Why do you observe this difference and what does it mean for the (un)biasedness of the coefficient in Q8? (2 mark)
3 marks
5 marks
6 marks
Assignment Total: 40 marks
Critical values for the standard normal distribution (z)
Confidence level (1-α) |
Level of Significance (α) |
Two–Sided cα/2 |
One-Sided, Critical Value cα |
One-Sided, Critical Value -cα |
90% |
10% |
1.645 |
1.28 |
-1.28 |
95% |
5% |
1.96 |
1.645 |
-1.645 |
99% |
1% |
2.58 |
2.33 |
-2.33 |
Formula for a t-statistic
t =estimate-hypothesised valuestandard error
Formula for a (1-α)% confidence interval
CI1-α=β-cα/2*seβ, β+cα/2*seβ
Logarithmic/Quadratic/Interaction specifications
For the model logy=β0+β1x1+β2x2
, the exact effect of a change in explanatory variable x2 is:
For a quadratic specification of the form:
The turning point (maximum/minimum) is given by:
The approximation of the marginal effect of x on y is given by:
For a interaction specification of the form:
The approximation of the marginal effect of x1 on y is given by: ?y?x1≈β1+β2x2
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