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Homework answers / question archive / Title: “Project Four: Developing A Three-Tier Distributed Web-Based Application” Objectives: To incorporate many of the techniques you’ve learned this semester into a distributed threetier web-based application which uses servlets and JSP technology running on a Tomcat container/server to access and maintain a persistent MySQL database using JDBC

Title: “Project Four: Developing A Three-Tier Distributed Web-Based Application” Objectives: To incorporate many of the techniques you’ve learned this semester into a distributed threetier web-based application which uses servlets and JSP technology running on a Tomcat container/server to access and maintain a persistent MySQL database using JDBC

Computer Science

Title: “Project Four: Developing A Three-Tier Distributed Web-Based Application”

Objectives: To incorporate many of the techniques you’ve learned this semester into a distributed threetier web-based application which uses servlets and JSP technology running on a Tomcat container/server to access and maintain a persistent MySQL database using JDBC.

Description: In this assignment you will utilize a suppliers/parts/jobs/shipments database

(creation/population script available on Webcourses under Project 4) as the back-end database. Front-end access to this database by end users will occur through a single page displayed in the client’s web browser.

The schema of the backend database consists of four tables with the following schemas for each table:

suppliers (snum, sname, status, city) //information about suppliers

parts (pnum, pname, color, weight, city) //information about parts

jobs (jnum, jname, numworkers, city) //information about jobs

 shipments (snum, pnum, jnum, quantity) //suppliers ship parts to jobs in specific quantities

The database will enforce referential integrity via foreign key constraints. The primary key for the shipments table is a composite key consisting of three foreign keys (the primary keys in the suppliers, parts, and jobs tables). Referential integrity means that a shipment record cannot exist unless it links back (via referential integrity) to existing entities on all foreign key values. Thus, a shipment record cannot exist unless the referenced snum, pnum, and jnum already exist in their respective tables.

The first-tier (user-level front-end) of your web-application will consist of an HTML landing page which

is used to authenticate end users. The authentication of users is handled via a servlet in the webapp that validates the user entered credentials with those in a credentials file (a text file) maintained on the serverside. The credentials file contains an unknown number of lines where each line contains a username and password separated by a comma (csv file format). Validation consists of matching both the user entered name and password against the values in the credentials file. If the entered credentials do not match an credentials in the credentials file, the user will be denied access to the system. If a match is found, the authenticated the user will be automatically redirected to one of three different JSP pages. One which handles root-level user clients and one which handles non-root-level clients, that allow the users to enter arbitrary SQL commands into a window (i.e. a form) and submit them to a server application for processing.

The third JSP page will be consist of dedicated data entry forms for entering new records into the four tables in the database.

The front-ends of all three user applications will utilize JSP technology. The front-ends for the root-level and client-level users, will provide the user a simple form in which they will enter a SQL command (any

DML, DDL, or DCL command could theoretically be entered by the user, however we will restrict to queries, insert, update, replace, and delete commands). These two front-ends will provide only three buttons for the user, an “Execute Command” button that will cause the execution of the SQL command currently

in the input window, a “Reset Form” button that simply clears any content currently in the form input area, and a “Clear Results” button that will erase the currently displayed data (user optional). The third frontend will be utilized only by naïve data-entry users by filling in a form. The data-entry users will not enter

CNT 4714 – Project Four – Spring 2023

Page 2

SQL commands to accomplish their tasks. Rather, their web-application will use the preparedStatement

interface and extract the parameters from their forms and issue the SQL command in the background. The

data-entry level front end will have two buttons on each form, one for entering the data and one for clearing

data and results.

The front-ends will run on any web-based browser that you would like to use. The applications will connect

to the backend database via properties files dependent on which front-end page is utilized. This connection

must be handled using properties read from a properties file. You will have three different properties files,

one for the root-level users, one for the client-level users (all the same as project 3 except for the different

database), and one for the data entry-level users. The data-entry level user account is a new user that will

need to be created, just as you created the client user for Project 3.

The second-tier servlets, are in charge of handling the SQL command interface for the users. The root-level

user app (and the data entry level app – see below), will also implement the server-side business/application

logic. This logic will increment by 5, the status of a supplier anytime that supplier is involved in the

insertion/update of a shipment record in which the quantity is greater than or equal to 100. Note that any

update of quantity >= 100 will affect any supplier involved in a shipment with a quantity >= 100. The

example screen shots illustrate this case. An insert of a shipment tuple (S5, P6, J7, 400) will cause the

status of every supplier who has a shipment with a quantity of 100 or greater to be increased by 5. In other

words, even if a supplier’s shipment is not directly affected by the update, their status will be affected if

they have any shipment with quantity >= 100. (See page xxs for a bonus problem that implements a

modified version of this business rule.) The business logic of the second tier will reside in the servlets on

the Tomcat web-application server (server-side application). This means that the business logic is not to be

implemented in the DBMS via a trigger.

The client-level servlet will handle the SQL command interface, just as the root-level servlet does, however,

due to the restrictions on the client-level privileges, no business-logic will be implemented in this


The data entry-level servlet will provide the user four templates (forms) for the each of the tables in the

project4 database. The correct updating command will be executed by mid-tier level servlets issuing

whichever updating commands are appropriate based on which form was submitted by the data-entry user.

The updating commands are executed by extracting the parameters from the form and issuing a prepared

statement update to the correct database table. You may want to refer to the JDBC notes from Module 3 to

refresh your memory of how the preparedStatement() interface differs from the normal Statement()


The third-tier (back-end) is the persistent MySQL database described above and is under control of the

MySQL DBMS server. You will create and maintain this database via the creation/population script. See

the important note below concerning when/how to re-run this script for your final submission.


Notes: Lecture Notes for MySQL installation and use. Documentation for MySQL available at: More information on JDBC can be found at: . More information on Tomcat can be

found at Lecture Notes for Servlets. Lecture Notes for JSPs.

Page 3


Your source file shall begin with comments containing the following information:

/* Name:

 Course: CNT 4714 – Spring 2023 – Project Four

 Assignment title: A Three-Tier Distributed Web-Based Application

 Date: April 23, 2023


Special Note: Due to end of semester time constraints this will be a hard deadline.

Input Specification: The suppliers/part/jobs/shipments database (named project4) that is

created/populated by the script project4dbscript.sql, is the back-end to this application. All other

input comes from the front-end user submitted to the application server based servlet entered as either

queries or updates to this database. There are three sets of commands that you are to execute against this

database included in the project4rootcommands.sql, project4clientcommands.sql,

and project4dataentrycommands.sql available on WebCourses under Project 4. As with Project

3, your client-level user will have only select privileges on the project4 database. The data entrylevel user will have only select, insert and update privileges on the project4 database. Also,

as with Project 3, your front-end cannot execute the entire script at one time. You’ll need to execute the

commands in this script one at a time in your application (copy and paste!). You can run the scripts in the

MySQL Workbench if you’d like to compare/see the result sets for each user command. Your three

different user accounts should be named: root, client, and dataentryuser.

Output Specification: All output is generated by the servlets and should appear in the user’s browser as a

text/html presented to the user. All MySQL-side errors should be caught and reported to the user via the

interface. IMPORTANT: Be sure to re-run the project4dbscript.sql database

creation/population script before you begin creating your screen shots for submission. By doing so you

will ensure that the database is in its initial state so that all update operations will produce the values we are

expecting to see in your result outputs. Then, just as you did with Project 3, run all commands in sequence

from the project4rootcommands.sql script file (total of 20 different commands), followed

immediately by all commands in sequence from the project4clientcommands.sql script file (total

of 4 different commands), followed immediately by all commands in sequence from the

project4dataentrycommands.sql script file (total of 8 different commands).


(1) You should submit your entire Project4 webapp folder from Tomcat for this program. If you

submit the entire folder, then all of the files necessary to execute your web application will be

included with the directory structure intact. Submit this via WebCourses no later than 11:59pm

Sunday April 23, 2023.

(2) The following 20 screen shots from the project4rootcommands.sql script file must be

submitted as part of the deliverables for this project. (You can include the screenshots in the toplevel of your webapps folder if you’d like, just be sure to include a note that you’ve done so.)

a. Command 1

b. Command 2A

c. Command 2B

d. Command 2C

e. Command 3A

f. Command 3B

g. Command 3C

Page 4

h. Command 3D

i. Command 3E

j. Command 4

k. Command 5A

l. Command 5B

m. Command 5C

n. Command 5D

o. Command 5E

p. Command 6

q. Command 7

r. Command 8

s. Command 9

t. Command 10

(3) The following 4 screenshots from the project4clientcommands.sql script file must be

submitted as part of the deliverables for this project. (You can include the screenshots in the toplevel of your webapps folder if you’d like, just be sure to include a note that you’ve done so.)

a. Command 1

b. Command 2

c. Command 3

d. Command 4

(4) The following 8 screenshots from the project4dataentrycommands.sql script file must

be submitted as part of the deliverables for this project. (You can include the screenshots in the

top-level of your webapps folder if you’d like, just be sure to include a note that you’ve done so.)

a. Command 1

b. Command 2

c. Command 3

d. Command 4

e. Command 5

f. Command 6

g. Command 7

h. Command 8

(5) One final screenshot, taken from the MySQL Workbench using a root-user connection, executing

the command select * from suppliers; This will show the final status of all suppliers

after the execution of all commands in the three user-level scripts.

Additional Information:

Be very careful when setting up the directory structures required for the web applications running under

your server (Tomcat 10.1.5 or later – note that Tomcat 10.1.7 was released on March 3, 2023 and I have

upgraded my Tomcat to this version – you should really do the same). See the course notes on servlets for

the exact directory structure that must be developed. Be sure that your development IDE and the JVM

running under Tomcat are of the same vintage.

Attend/watch Q&A sessions for more information and project details. Additional videos for select parts of

this project will also be made available.

Important: Please name your webapp: Project 4 Let the TAs know if you are doing the bonus problem

by attaching a note to your WebCourses submission.

Page 5

Schematic Overview of Project Components:

Tomcat Servlet Container

Project 4 webapp





Servlet rootHome.jsp

Client User (browser)






Insert Servlet

Parts Insert


Jobs Insert



Insert Servlet

Root User (browser)

Data Entry User (browser)

User Logon (browser)

authenticate.html Authentication




Authentication Fail

Authentication Success

Redirect To Correct JSP

Page 6

Suggested project development approach

1. Install Tomcat and run some of the examples from the notes to ensure that Tomcat is installed and

configured properly before beginning any steps on the project itself. Do not attempt to start the

actual project unless you know that (1) Tomcat is properly configured and running, (2) that your

IDE Java and your Tomcat JVM are of the same vintage, (3) you have successfully run at least one

known working example.

2. IMPORTANT: Keep back-up copies of all files within your webapp in a location NOT

inside Tomcat. Maintain these backup copies religiously.

3. Develop the authentication HTML front-end and it’s associated error page.

4. Develop front-end .html files rootHome.html, clientHome.html and

dataentryHome.html. These will be later converted to .jsp files (see 7 below). This can

be done in any editing environment of your choice. Do not specify a specific action for your form

submission at this point (use a null string for the action). Will demonstrate this in Q&A sessions.

5. Construct basic Project4 webapp framework inside Tomcat webapp folder. Deploy files from

step 1 above and test/refine in browser of your choice.

6. Construct initial web.xml file in Project4/WEB-INF. Additional refinement may be needed


7. Create properties files for the root-level users, client-level users, and data entry-level users. These

will be placed in the lib folder of the Project4 web app (i.e. Project4/WEB-INF/lib)..

8. Begin development of the servlets. Basic operation of the root-level servlet and the client-level

servlet are the same, with only a small difference (more later). So develop the client-level servlet

first and copy and paste with modifications for the root-level servlet later. As we will discuss in

the Q&A sessions, the initial servlet (for testing) should do nothing more than simply return “Hi”.

9. Load servlet test files into Tomcat Project4 webapp in correct location and perform initial

integration testing of complete package.

10. Further develop all servlet code to complete the basic functionality of the servlets. This includes

modification of the front-end interfaces to become .jsp files so that all results are returned to a

single page via a targeted location and not require either a complete browser page refresh or the

user to employ the browser “back” button. These techniques will be explained later in the JSP

notes and also Q&A sessions.

11. Add business logic to the rool-level servlet – develop non-bonus version first.

12. Optional: implement the bonus-version of the business logic.

13. Add business logic to the data entry-level servlet. This will apply only to the servlet handling

inserts to the shipments table.

14. Recreate the project4 database.

15. Run through the three user-level command scripts and generate screenshots from your application

running these commands. Take final screenshot from the Workbench.

16. You are done! Congratulations! You have developed a three-tier distributed wed-based

application running in a Tomcat container utilizing a MySQL backend database server.

Page 7

Some screen shots illustrating the application.

Authentication Page – The Main Initial Landing Page

To run this webapp all users begin on this landing page (this is authentication.html).

If the user enters incorrect login credentials that do not match any found in the credentials.txt file. The

errorpage.html is displayed.

Page 8

If the user’s login credentials are validated (they match with an entry in the credentials.txt file), the user

will be automatically redirected to a landing page which corresponds to the webapp which they are

authorized to access. These landing pages, for each category of user are shown below.

Root-level user interface (a JSP page - initial configuration shown):

User input area.

Three control buttons

All results are

returned in this area.

Page 9

Client-level user interface (a JSP page - initial configuration shown):

(Note that exept for the color scheme in the headers and the fact that a client-level user is specified, this

page is essentially identical to that of the root user interface.)

Page 10

The data entry-level user interface (a JSP page – initial configuration shown).

Page 11

Root-level User Examples

The following several screenshots illustrate operations from the root-level user interface.

After entering an SQL command, the user simply clicks the “Execute Command” button and the SQL

command in the form is executed:

Page 12

User makes a mistake entering an SQL command:

There is no column named

something in the parts table.

Error message is returned

from MySQL indicating the

problem with the


Page 13

Inserts and updates may cause changes to the supplier status field (business logic is triggered) as shown


Current state of the suppliers table (i.e., select * from suppliers):

Note the current status of supplier number S5. (Also note status of S1, S12, S17, S21, S22, S3, S44, and


Results from running the

query “select * from

suppliers” – to be used to

illustrate an update

operation explained on

pages 14-15. Notice that

the supplier S5’s status is

currently 4.

Results from running

the user command

select * from

suppliers in the

input area.

Page 14

Root user issues the following insert command:

Alert message when an update to the quantity field in the shipments table has caused an update of a

supplier’s status in the supplier table. Note that the application will use this alert message any time the

business logic is tested even if it did not trigger any updates. This means that this message would appear

with different values even if no rows are updated (more examples below).

Page 15

After executing update command (the previous insert), the user re-runs select * from suppliers.

Note that S5’s status has been increased by 5, but so too has S1, S12, S17, S21, S22, S3, S44, and S6.

Allowing the previous insert command to affect only supplier S5’s status is handled by the bonus version

of this project (see below). We will discuss the business logic in much greater detail in the Q&A sessions.

Notice on page 13 (in the

original suppliers table) that

supplier S5 had a status of 4.

After this update, the

business logic has increased

supplier S5’s status by 5, so it

is now 9.

Notice too, that suppliers S1,

S12, S17, S21, S22, S3, S44,

and S6) also had their status

increased by 5, since they

already recorded with a

shipment in which the

quantity was >= 100 when

the insert command was

issued, even though the

issued command did not

affect them directly.. See

bonus problem below for a


Page 16

Example of an update command that does not trigger the business logic.

Page 17

Example of an update command that triggers the business logic but results in no changes to any supplier’s


Client-level User Examples

Note that this update is an

“unsafe” update since there is

no limiting clause and every

row in the table will be

updated. In this case all 56

rows in the table will now have

a quantity of 10.

Page 18

Client-level User Examples

A client-level user issues a command for which they have privileges (note that this is the same result as the

one shown for a root-level user on page 11).

Page 19

A client-level user issues a command for which they do not have privilege to execute.

Page 20

Data Entry-level User Examples

The data entry-level user interface provides a template (form) for the user to enter data values for new

suppliers, parts, jobs, or shipments records. Only one form can be submitted at a time. Note: the database

does not specify any default values for any attributes in any of the table in the project4 database.

Therefore, the user must supply all values to be used by the PreparedStatement interface in each form.

Data entry user enters a new suppliers table record.

Page 21

In this example, the quantity value will trigger the business logic and update supplier S5’s status by 5.

For this example. If the status of supplier “S90” before issuing the insert to the

shipments table was 35, then it will be 40 after this command is issued.

Query status before insert Query status after insert

Page 22

In this example, the business logic is not triggered as the quantity value is less than 100.

Page 23

In this example, the attempt to insert the record violates referential integrity and is not allowed.

Page 24

BONUS PROBLEM: 15 points

Instead of allowing any update/insert of a quantity >= 100 to affect any supplier with a shipment

involving a quantity >= 100, adjust the business logic portion of your application so that an

insert/update of a quantity greater than 100, causes a change to the status of only those suppliers directly

affected by the update. For example, using the case shown above, when inserting the row (S5, P6, J4,

400) into the shipments table, only the status of supplier S5 should be increased by 5 (see screen shot

below). However, an update such as: UPDATE shipments SET quantity = quantity + 50 WHERE

pnum = “P3”, would increase by 5 the status of every supplier who ships part P3 in a quantity >= 100

after the update has been issued.

NOTE: If you elect to do the bonus problem, submit only this version of your application. Do not also

submit the non-bonus problem version. Let the TAs know if you’ve elected to do the bonus problem

or not.

I will provide many hints for the bonus problem during the Q&A sessions for this project.

With the correct business logic (the bonus version) in place, issue the original insert command as above

(on page 14), we now get the correct effect for our update command. See next page.

Notice the difference in

the output message this

time compared to the

one on page 14 that was

using the “normal” logic.

Page 25

No changes to

S1, S12, S17,

S21, S22, S3, S44,

or S6 this time.

Only supplier S5 had a

change of status due to the

insertion of the row (S5,

P6, J7, 400) as they were

the only supplier affected

by this update.

Notice that this time,

with the improved

business logic that only

the supplier directly

affected by the insert

has had their status

updated, all other

supplier status values

remain unchanged.

Compare with table on

page 15.

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