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Homework answers / question archive / PSPTIS003 Prepare to Translate and Interpret Assess ability to complete assignment Session 1: Receive assignment request and clarify scope and nature of work and conditions of engagement   Task 1: Short-Answer Question Instructions: Read the following question and give your answer

PSPTIS003 Prepare to Translate and Interpret Assess ability to complete assignment Session 1: Receive assignment request and clarify scope and nature of work and conditions of engagement   Task 1: Short-Answer Question Instructions: Read the following question and give your answer


PSPTIS003 Prepare to Translate and Interpret

Assess ability to complete assignment

Session 1: Receive assignment request and clarify scope and nature of work and conditions of engagement


Task 1: Short-Answer Question

Instructions: Read the following question and give your answer.

Question: What are necessary elements generally included in the scope of an interpreting assignment?

(Please name at least FOUR elements here!) Answer:










Task 2: Email Writing

Instructions: Read the following interpreting booking. Write an email of approximately 50 words to confirm details and accept/decline the assignment.

(Hint: Please take elements such as availability, language pair, location, interpreting method, and other requirements into consideration before confirming with the client. You can assume that you meet all requirements or answer based on your own situation. Please write the email in formal language and a professional manner. Feel free to ask for further clarifications regarding the job.)





Client Name Department

Sub-Department Language

Start Date Time Duration

Requested Interpreter Gender Nature of request

Site Type Delivery Method

Service Delivery Address:


Federal Court of Australia Federal Law

null Cantonese

11/01/202X Wednesday 10am 120m

Female null onsite

Face to face

Courtroom 01, XXX Street, XXX, Australia





Details Reports To Booking No.

Phone No.


REF No.: SYD00001/2017 John Smith AUSXXXXX001








Table 1: Interpreting Assignment Request 1 (Online System)
















Session 2: Identify performance expectations, limits and responsibilities and their implications for undertaking the assignment.

Task 1: Essay Question

Instructions: please write an answer with approximately 50 words to explain possible issues (including WHS issues) that would affect the outcome of a practitioner’s (translator or interpreter) performance in an assignment. Please use examples for your explanation.














Task 2: Short-Answer Questions

Instructions: You are a professional practitioner working for TIS. Assuming that you have received an assignment from TIS Australia, there is something that you CAN and CANNOT do based on the Terms and Conditions of Use (TIS National). Please answer the following questions and explain why you can or cannot do them.


1) Can you view payment summaries in TIS Online?

2) Are you responsible for the contents of material provided for databases, translation, and interpretation?

3) Cancellation for on-site interpreting job must be made at least 48 hours prior to the starting time of the appointment. Can you inform TIS if you want to cancel an on-site interpreting assignment without incurring any penalty?

4) How can you cancel a booking for an on-site interpreting assignment?










Answer: 1






















Task 3: Case Analysis

Instructions: Read the interpreting booking mentioned in Session 1 Task 2 (Table 1) and answer the following questions based on the given information in the booking.



1. What is the most likely purpose of this interpreting assignment?

2. From your perspective, which type of interpreting mode is likely to be adopted in this interpreting assignment?

3. Who will be possibly involved in this interpreting assignment? 4. When will this assignment be conducted?

5. What is the duration of this assignment booking?

6. What kind of dress code may occur in this interpreting event?

7. What are some possible WHS issues related to this assignment? (Hint: WHS refers to Workplace Health and Safety.)

8. From your perspective, when should an interpreter arrive at the Federal Law Court and why?


Answers: 1














































Session 3: Consider personal availability and preparedness to satisfy assignment requirements.

Task 1: Case Analysis

Instruction: Read the scenario provided below and analyse the interpreting task information to answer the following questions.



Scenario: You are a certified Chinese-English translator and a certified provisional Cantonese interpreter who also understands and speaks Mandarin, an official language of China. You are booked for the following assignments in Sydney for the next week. Please be noted that you do not drive and must rely on the public transportation.



(Hint: Please use google map to calculate time needed for transportation. A professional translator can normally process approximately 2000 words per day.)





9:00-10:00 am

10:30-11:40 am


1:30-3:30 pm


Monday Federal Court






Website Translation (1000 words;

due on 5pm)






Prince of Wales Private Hospital

Legal Translation (2000 words; due on Wed










DIBP, Sydney Office


Thursday           Friday

Liverpool Hospital





Birth                      Family Certificate          Court and Driver’s
















Table 2: Interpreter’s Working Schedule





Translation (Due on Fri 12pm)




The translation agency provides you with a new assignment sheet and asks you to take additional work for the next week. Which assignment(s) will you be able to accept? (Please tick the assignments that you will be able to accept and list your reasons for your decision.)





Time & Date

Mon; 9:00-11:30am




Tues; 1:00-3:30pm




Wed; 10:00-11:45am



Wed; 1:00-2:00pm




Thurs; 10:30-11:45am


Thurs; 2:30-3:30pm




Fri; 10:00-11:45am




Fri; 1:00-2:00pm



Assignments Venue


Sydney Children’s Hospital




Liverpool Hospital





Prince Wales Private Hospital



Fair Work Commission




Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Sydney Office

Family Court





Downing Centre Local Court




Corrective Services NSW





Certified Provisional ; Cantonese



Certified Provisional Cantonese



Certified Provisional , Mandarin

Certified, Cantonese




Certified Provisional , Cantonese


Certified, Mandarin




Certified Provisional , Cantonese



Certified Provisional Cantonese



Your Choices and Reasons












































Table 3: Interpreting Assignments Offer


Task 2: Project

Instruction: choose any assignment from the list of assignments in Task 1 and list all materials, documents, knowledge, and equipment you might need to prepare for the assignment you choose.
















Session 4: Advise client or booking agency in a professional and timely manner of decision to accept or decline.

Task 1: Short-Answer Question

Instructions: Please answer the following questions in the space provided.



Question: As a translator/interpreter, why is it important to advice the client or booking agency in a professional and timely manner of your decision of whether to accept or decline an assignment?















Task 2: Email Writing


Instruction: Read the scenarios provided below and write emails of approximately 50 words each to accept or decline the interpreting offer based on the information given. Students need to complete both tasks.


Scenario 1: The ABC Company is seeking for an experienced professional translator to undertake a translation project in meat processing industry. The company requires the translator to finish 5000-word translation workload in high quality each day. They have







emailed you to ask if you can possibly fill the role. Please kindly decline this offer and explain why.


(Reminder: The best argument can be established based on the workload required.)



















Scenario 2: The translation agency, ABC Language Services, sends you an email (as provided below), asking you to interpret for an assessor from Home Care Service NSW. The client is going to visit an old lady living at her home in Penrith, NSW. Please write an email to accept this interpreting request and ask for the relevant information that you may need to conduct this interpreting assignment.


Dear _____ ,


We have a new job request for next Monday in Penrith. Our client is a Homecare assessor who wants to make a home visit. You will be assisting this client for the assessment conducted at the applicant’s home in Penrith.


We would like to offer you this job and want to know if you will be available for it. Please let us know as soon as possible,

Regards, Interpreting Team


ABC Language Services






















Respond to assignment

Session 5: Record assignment details and review terms and conditions of engagement.


Task 1: Project


Instructions: Please develop a working log or diary to record all assignments listed below. (Reminder: you can put the assignment number in your working diary/log).


Assignment Schedule No.                                                   Assignments (Time)

1     Sydney Children’s Hospital (Mon; 9:00-11:30am)

2     Prince of Wales Private Hospital (Wed; 10:00- 11:50am) 3        Downing Centre Local Court (Fri; 10:00- 11:45am)

4     Corrective Service NSW (Fri; 1:00-2:00pm) 5        Family Court (Thurs; 2:30-3:30pm)

6     Department of Home Affairs, Sydney Office (Thurs; 10:30- 11:45am) 7  Fair Work Commission (Wed; 1:00-2:00pm)

8     Liverpool Hospital (Tues; 1:00-3:30pm)

9      Leasing Contract Translation (2000 words, due on Wednesday 5pm) 10         Website Translation (500 words; due on Friday 3pm)



Mon                   Tues                  Wed                   Thurs                   Fri 09:00





















Task 2: Case Analysis

Instructions: Please read the scenario and answer the question based on your analysis





Scenario: Alex is a professional translator and interpreter. He has a working schedule as listed in the previous task (Session 5 Task 1). After filing the interpreting assignment into the working diary/log, Alex reviews his schedule and finds that he has only a one-hour lunch break on Wednesday between the assignment at Prince of Wales Private Hospital and the one at Fair Work Commission. Alex feels he might be late for the second assignment due to time and distance concerns (see the attached map).




What should Alex do in this situation? If Alex needs totake action, when would be a better time for him to act based on TIS Terms and Conditions of Use and AUSIT Code of Ethics?



Useful links:

TIS Terms and Conditions:

AUSIT Code of Ethics:



























































Session 6: Resolve any queries and clarify procedures, including for payment.

Task 1: Case Analysis

Instructions: read the scenario provided below and request payment for this assignment in writing (Emails or text messages).

Scenario: You are a contracted Korean interpreter from ABC Language Services, and you are booked for one 2-hour interpreting assignment in the past week. The ABC Language Services provides its interpreters with the following rates. Please calculate your rates and contact the agency for your payment.



ABC Language Services/ Rates for Interpreting Assignments


LOTE<>English Cantonese Mandarin Korean Japanese Hindi



Min. Rate per Hour (AUD) 40 40 45 45 48



Penalty rate applies when the assignment exceeds the booking hours. (Penalty Rate: 30 AUD/15 Minutes)






















Task 2: Email Writing

Instructions: Please read the following scenario and compose a letter for Alex based on the information given.

Scenario: Alex is a professional interpreter, and he completed an interpreting assignment which was extended for 30mins after the time it was due to finish. Alex now wants to write an email to his agent to explain the situation and clarify his reasons to claim the penalty rate.
















Session 7: Create and maintain records of assignment in accordance with good business practice.

Task 1: Short-Answer Question

Instructions: please conduct a research and list two methods to create the records of assignments as a good business practice.



















Task 2: Case Analysis

Instructions: please choose one translation task and one interpreting task from the assignment schedule in Chapter 2 Session 1 Task 1 as examples to explain what kind of elements should be included in the assignment record in interpreting and translation practice. You are required to write approximately 50-80 words for this question.




















Develop work plan

Session 8: Identify factors that may affect assignment outcomes to determine planning needs.

Task 1: Research Question

Instructions: There are many factors that may affect an interpreting or a translation assignment outcome when it comes to the decision-making for planning. Please research on these factors and write a short essay of approximately 100 words to explain any THREE factors for that you think being possible to affect assignment outcomes to determine planning needs.














Task 2: Short-Answer Questions

Instructions: Read the AUSIT Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct ( ) to answer the following questions carefully with approximately 50 words each.




          People often say that interpreters and translators should make an impartial performance in professional practice. Please explain “impartiality” in work practice according to the AUSIT Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct?

















          Should an interpreter accept an assignment that he or she feels uncomfortable with due to personal reasons?










Task 3: Case Analysis

Instructions: Read the scenario carefully and comment on Jessica’s work practice based on your understanding of professional practice. Was she doing the right thing? Which principle in the AUSIT Code of Ethics do you think she consulted before making the decision?



Jessica is the leader of an interpreting team, and she is a certified professional interpreter in Mandarin Chinese only. Richie is her team member and a certified professional interpreter in Mandarin and Cantonese. Jessica receives an assignment requesting professional interpreting service for a client from China. She accepts the work and clears her schedule for this assignment. On the day before the assignment, she is suddenly notified that the client’s mother tongue is Cantonese, and the client speaks only very basic Mandarin. So, Jessica immediately contacts the agency and seeks permission to make Richie her replacement for this assignment.













Session 9: Identify objectives and determine realistic time commitments and allocations.

Task 1: Short-Answer Question


Instructions: Please answer the following question in the space provided.


Question: where can translators and interpreters find assignment-related information? For example, information regarding assignment deadline, venues, or clients, etc.













Instructions: you are a certified translator, and you are booked for the following assignments for next week. Assuming that you work 7 hours per day, please put the task numbers in the timetable below to schedule your work. (Hint: you can put more than one task number in each box.) You also received an email from ABC Language Service asking if you can take a 3000-word translation assignment in the medical field.



Please reply to either accept of decline the offer, and if accept, please indicate when the earliest time will be for you to deliver the translation. Please update your timetable accordingly if you decide to accept the new offer.



1         Website Translation (1000 words; due on Monday 5pm)

2         Legal Translation (3000 words; due on Wednesday 12pm) 3           Subtitle Project (5000 words; due on Friday 5pm)

4         Birth Certificate and Driver’s License Translation (Due on Friday 12pm)




Monday             Tuesday                  Wednesday          Thursday           Friday



















Session 10: Identify problems and seek assistance from client, specialist advisor, or peer network where necessary.

Task 1: Research Question

Instructions: Please conduct research on dilemmas that translators and interpreters may face in practice and write TWO examples of these dilemmas that they often encounter in practice.






















Task 2: Case Analysis

Instructions: read the scenario provided below and contact client in writing (either emails or text messages) based on the information given in the scenario.

(Hint: Translators or interpreters may encounter problems before doing their jobs and these problems may vary depending on the nature of the assignment, deadline, content complexity and special requirements from the client. In some cases, translators or interpreters may need to seek assistance from client, specialist advisor or peer network.)

Scenario: You find that the original document for a translation task has some parts which are difficult to understand, and you may need to consult with a specialist or expert in this area. Also, you may need more time to do this translation.
















Session 11: Organise activities within required timeframe and appropriate to type of assignment.

Task 1: Project

Instructions: Please read the scenario provided below and fill in the work plan based on the information given in the scenario.



Scenario: Alex is a professional translator, and he can translate 2000-2500 words per day with good quality. He now receives an assignment of translating an academic article for a medical journal of 20,000 Chinese characters into English in 7 working days. Please fill in the work plan below for the assignment based on given information.

(Hint: A professional translator can normally process approximately 2000 words per day.)












Project Name Language involved

Word count in original document

Timeframe required




Work plan Translation Project Chinese to English




7 working days





Format required






Software required






Translation objectives


To provide quality translation in the original format from Chinese to English within 7 working days






Time commitments and allocations





Notes                                   Engage another translator for proof-reading

























Task 2: Essay Question

Instructions: read the following question and explain why you are making such a choice. Please write approximately 50-80 words for this question.


As a certified translator and interpreter, how would you select and organize your assignments?

For example, how will you organize the following assignments within required

timeframe? If you cannot fit all assignments in your schedule, which ones should you accept? And WHY?



Assignment List:

1         Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Face-to-face; Mon 9:00-11:30am)

2         Prince of Wales Private Hospital (Face-to-face; Wed 10:00- 11:50am) 3           Downing Centre Local Court (Face-to-Face; Fri 10:00- 11:45am)

4         Community Service (Phone Interpreting; Thursday 13:00- 16:00


        5           Website translation (2000 words; due on Wednesday 12pm)





(Hint: translators and interpreters are required to be equipped with time management skills, multi-tasking skills, and be flexible on completing tasks, or seek professional assistance when required, and balance work and life in order to organise all professional activities. You might need to take preparation time into consideration as well for interpreting assignments.)




















Review and evaluate work plan


Session 12: Review preparation to confirm it addresses assignment requirements and resolve outstanding issues.


Task 1: Project                                  


Instructions: Translators and interpreters usually need to review preparation before the actual process begins to confirm it addresses assignment requirements so that any outstanding issues can be resolved accordingly.


Please develop a checklist based on the sample information given in the scenario and work out possible solutions for potential issues.


Scenario: James is a NAATI certified professional translator who is experienced in medical translation. He is assigned a very urgent job to translate a 20,000-word legal document within four days. Considering the timeframe and the nature of the task, it is indeed an enormous challenge. James is considering writing to the client to seek extension or permission for sub-contracting.




















ddspdddhj Possible solutions





Review item



1. Translation or interpreting requirements met



2. Timeframe confirmed






3. Specialised knowledge related issues considered





4. Submission format confirmed and prepared







5. Any unsolved issues











Possible issue                             Possible solution





Requirements not met




Cannot meet deadline




Legal background info






Format cannot be achieved due to technical issues








Difficulty in terminology






















Task 2: Email Writing

Instruction: Choose any issues listed in the checklist above and write an email to the agent or client to address any unresolved issues.




















Session 13: Consider and implement adjustments to improve process and outcomes of future preparation.

Task 1: Essay Question

Instructions: Please write an essay about 50-80 words to state your opinion on how a professional translator or interpreter should take advice given by others (including clients, peers, etc) on their assignment preparation and performance.













Task 2: Project

Instructions: Please conduct a research and write feasible strategies or adjustments to be used to address the following issues in order to improve translation or interpreting process and outcomes of future preparation.


Issues Identified                            Strategies for adjustments

1        The interpreter run out of his notebooks during his interpreting practice. He borrowed a notebook from my office to continue his work.








2        The translated document reads bit awkward. I finds that one number is translated wrongly even though I don’t understand English much







3     The interpreter constantly stops to check his terminology book. I think he is not professional.






4        The translator delayed his submission because he said he forgot to back up his translation before the PC was shut down. He had to translate the document again.


5        The translator didn’t translate my document correctly. The “thong” in my purchase order is translated as “underwear” rather than “footwear”.












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