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Homework answers / question archive / COMP5570 This assignment is designed to provide you with a practical understanding of the task of  writing the syntax analysis parts of a compiler for a high-level language called Dopl (David’s  own programming language)

COMP5570 This assignment is designed to provide you with a practical understanding of the task of  writing the syntax analysis parts of a compiler for a high-level language called Dopl (David’s  own programming language)

Computer Science

COMP5570 This assignment is designed to provide you with a practical understanding of the task of  writing the syntax analysis parts of a compiler for a high-level language called Dopl (David’s  own programming language). Dopl is a language designed by me for this particular

assessment so you should not expect to find any additional information about it elsewhere

on the Web/Internet. This document is the definitive definition/description of Dopl.

Submission: Moodle page for COMP5570. Submit a single zip file of the source files of your

complete implementation and the scripts required to compile and/or run it.


The main requirement of this assessment is to write a lexical analyser and recursive-descent

parser for the language defined in this document. Dopl source files are stored in a text file

whose name ends in a '.dopl' suffix. Your program must analyse a single Dopl source file

named as its only command-line argument. Your program will only be tested with files with

the correct suffix.

The grammar to which valid programs must conform is given below. There is a further

challenge element, concerned with type checking, worth 20% of the marks.

The program must not output anything other than a single diagnostic message on

standard output (System.out) at the end of the parse. The message must be:


for a successful parse or


for an unsuccessful parse.

A single error in the source file must cause the parser to output the error notification

and stop the parse. No error recovery is required. Note that the message must be

written to standard output (System.out in Java) regardless of whether the parse is

successful or not.

You may implement the program in a language of your choice under the constraints that

the language must be available to the marker on raptor and it must be possible for the

marker both to compile (where required by the language) and execute your code without

having to install a particular IDE or any other software, such as libraries or build tools. These

constraints are important. Any libraries required must either be bundled with your

submission or already pre-installed and accessible to the marker.

Plagiarism and Duplication of Material

The work you submit must be your own. We will run checks on all submitted work in an

effort to identify possible plagiarism, and take disciplinary action against anyone found to

have committed plagiarism.

Some guidelines on avoiding plagiarism:

? One of the most common reasons for programming plagiarism is leaving work until

the last minute. Avoid this by making sure that you know what you have to do

(that is not necessarily the same as how to do it) as soon as an assessment is set.

Then decide what you will need to do in order to complete the assignment. This

will typically involve doing some background reading and programming practice. If

in doubt about what is required, ask a member of the course team.

? Another common reason is working too closely with one or more other students on

the course. Do not program together with someone else, by which I mean do not

work together at a single PC, or side by side, typing in more or less the same code

or doing the equivalent in an online setting. By all means discuss parts of an

assignment, but do not thereby end up submitting the same code.

? It is not acceptable to submit code that differs only in the comments and variable

names, for instance. It is very easy for us to detect when this has been done and we

will check for it.

? Never let someone else have a copy of your code, no matter how desperate they

are. Always advise someone in this position to seek help from their class

supervisor or lecturer. Otherwise, they will never properly learn for themselves.

? It is not acceptable to post assignments on sites such as Freelancer and we treat

such actions as evidence of attempted plagiarism, regardless of whether or not

work is payed for. In addition, posting anywhere other than would be an

infringement of the author’s copyright.

? It is not acceptable to post assignments on sites such as Chegg, Freelancer, etc. and

we treat such actions as evidence of attempted plagiarism, regardless of whether or

not work is paid for.

Further advice on plagiarism and collaboration is available from

You are reminded of the rules about plagiarism that can be found in the Stage

Handbook. These rules apply to programming assignments. We reserve the right to apply

checks to programs submitted for assignment in order to guard against plagiarism and to

use programs submitted to test and refine our plagiarism detection methods both during

the course and in the future.

Grammar for Dopl

Here is the grammar of the Dopl language. Note that this has been expressed in a

slightly different form from that in the book/slides. You should use this grammar as the

basis for structuring your parser.

Each rule of the grammar has a ‘non-terminal’ symbol on the left-hand side of the ‘::=’

symbol. On the right-hand side of ‘::=’ is a mix of ‘terminal’ symbols, non-terminal symbols

and grammatical notation, terminated with a semicolon. The meaning of the grammatical

notation is described below.

? The notation ::= means 'is defined as'.

? A semicolon marks the end of each non-terminal 'rule'.

? Parentheses group terminal and non-terminal symbols as a single item.

? A ? means the single preceding item is optional or the preceding parenthesized

items as a group are optional. For instance:

a b ? c means that both ac and abc are valid and

(a b) ? c means that both c and abc are valid.

? One or more items enclosed between curly brackets means the enclosed items

occur zero or more times. For instance:

{ a b } means that ab may occur 0, 1, 2 or more times; e.g.,

abab, abababab,ababababababab are all valid.

? A | separates alternatives. For instance:

{ a | b | c } means that either a or b or c is valid.

? Items all in upper-case are terminal symbols: an identifier (IDENTIFIER),

keyword (START, FINISH, etc.), integer constant (INTEGER_CONSTANT) or

character constant (CHARACTER_CONSTANT).

? Items enclosed in single quotes are terminal symbols, e.g. ';' and '<-'.

In the grammar be careful to distinguish between those characters not enclosed between

single-quote characters (e.g., ::= and ;) and those that look similar but are enclosed

(e.g., ';').

program ::= START declarations statements FINISH ;

declarations ::= { declaration ';' } ; declaration

::= dataType identifiers ; dataType ::= INTEGER |

CHARACTER | LOGICAL; identifiers ::= IDENTIFIER { ','


statements ::= { statement ';' } ;

statement ::= assignment |

conditional |

print |

loop ;

assignment ::= IDENTIFIER '<-' expression ;

conditional ::= IF expression THEN statements

( ELSE statements ) ? ENDIF ;

print ::= PRINT expression ;

loop ::= LOOPIF expression DO statements ENDLOOP;

expression ::= term { binaryOp term } ;

binaryOp ::= arithmeticOp | logicalOp | relationalOp ;

arithmeticOp ::= '.plus.' | '.minus.' | '.mul.' | '.div.' ;

logicalOp ::= .and. | .or. ;

relationalOp ::= '.eq.' | '.ne.' |

'.lt.' | '.gt.' | '.le.' | '.ge.' ;




'(' expression ')' |

unaryOp term ;

unaryOp ::= '.minus.' | '.not.' ;


Comments are not permitted in Dopl programs.

Example program

The following (nonsense) program illustrates the main syntactic features defined by

the grammar.


integer num, sum;

character ch;

sum <- 0;

num <- 1;

ch <- "a";

loopif ch .lt. "z"


if (num .div. 3) .ne. 0 .and. (ch .ne. "y")


sum <- sum .plus. num .mul. 2;

ch <- ch .plus. 1;


sum <- sum .minus. num;

ch <- "m";


num <- num .plus. 1;


print sum;

print ch;


Definitions of terminal symbols: lexical analysis

? The following are all keywords of the language: character, do, else, endif,

endloop, finish, if, integer, logical, loopif, print, start,

then. They are case-sensitive and must be all lower-case in the source. These are

represented in the grammar by upper-case versions (e.g., LOOPIF).

? All symbols within a pair of single quote characters in the grammar are literals that

will be found in the source code; e.g. , '<-'.

? IDENTIFIER: A sequence of one or more alphabetic, digit or underscore characters, of

which the first must be alphabetic. E.g., Ng1_f3 is valid but 1e4 is not. It is not

permitted to define a variable that is the same as a keyword.

? INTEGER_CONSTANT: A sequence of one or more digits (0-9).

? CHARACTER_CONSTANT: A single character enclosed within a pair of double-quote

characters. E.g., "!", "a", etc. Multi-character character constants are not


? All symbols between a pair of periods (full stops) are operators; e.g., .plus.

Limited type checking – challenge element (20%)

Type checking involves ensuring that variables have been defined and that data types are

consistent in assignments and expressions. Identifiers and associated data type

information are normally stored in a ‘symbol table’. So, in order to complete this part, you

will need to maintain a symbol table for identifiers.

Some type checking of expressions and assignments is required, so you will also need to

associate a ‘data type’ (character, integer, logical) with each expression, according to

the following rules:

? If the expression contains at least one relationalOp, logicalOp or unary

logical negation operator (.not.) then its data type is logical.

? If the expression is not logical and it contains at least one CHARACTER_CONSTANT or

an IDENTIFIER of data type CHAR then its data type is character.

? If the expression is neither logical nor character then its data type is integer.

Any of the following should result in a failed parse, with the error message given

previous being printed and the parse stopping.

? Use of an IDENTIFIER in a statement that has not been declared within a


? Assignment of an expression of one type to a variable of a different type in an

assignment. It is only legal to assign a character expression to a variable of type

character, an integer expression to a variable of type integer, and a logical

expression to a variable of type logical.

? Use of an expression of type integer or character in the expression (condition) of

either an conditional or loop. All condition expressions must be of type logical.

Suggested order of implementation

1. Start by writing a lexical analyser/tokenizer to handle all of the symbols of the Dopl

language. Print out details of each token as it is recognised and test with small

programs to start and then gradually build up to the example given above. Don’t

start on the parser until the tokenizer is working.

2. Start writing the parser to parse a program with no variables or statements. In

other words, just the start and finish keywords. That requires just two

tokens from the tokenizer: START and FINISH. That will give you confidence that

the interaction between parser and tokenizer is working correctly.

3. Parse variables. As part of this process, start to build a symbol table that

records each IDENTIFIER along with its data type. This will be required later for the

type-checking parts.

4. Add parsing of term and expression. You can test the parsing of

these alongside parsing print.

5. Add parsing of loop but don’t worry yet about checking the type of the condition.

6. Add conditional and assignment. Again, don’t worry about the

type checking elements.

7. For the challenge part, you will need to create a simple ‘symbol table’ that holds

information on variable identifiers. Identifiers will be added as each variable is

parsed. You will also need to associate a type with each expression and term as

it is parsed. You could either build an explicit ‘parse tree’ for an expression, in which

each node of the tree stores the type of the tree below it, and the overall type of

the expression will be at its root; or you could simply have the methods that parse

expressions and terms return the type of that particular element and work out how

to combine elements of different types according to the rules given above.

Parser testing

As you are developing the parser it will be best to test with small examples that gradually

add code relating to the most recent feature you have added. For instance, you might start

with a program with no variable declarations:

start finish

and check that it can be parsed successfully. Then systematically remove just one token

from that code and check that each variation results in a parsing error.

If you then add parsing for a single variable declaration, you might test with the

following code:


integer x;


If that parses ok then you can switch integer for character and check that, and then

perform error checking along the lines already described.

Next try declaring multiple variables in the same declaration.

And so on …


2022.12.19: .times. corrected to .mul. in the example code. Operators added to the

section on lexical tokens.

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