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Homework answers / question archive / THERMAL RUNWAY CHAMBER TESTING Introduction The world of technology is growing at a remarkably high rate and among some of the changes which have been brought about by the changing technology is the use of Lithium-ion batteries in developing electric vehicles
The world of technology is growing at a remarkably high rate and among some of the changes which have been brought about by the changing technology is the use of Lithium-ion batteries in developing electric vehicles. It is expected that by the year 2028, the market size of Li-ion batteries shall grow from the current market value of $44 billion to $183 billion (Weiss et al., 2021).
However, demand and growth are also expected to put industrial hygiene at risk. There are several chemicals that are emitted in the testing process. Some of the gases include Fluorinated hydrocarbon, which possesses various health risks, increased levels of Carbon dioxide gas, and Ethyl methyl carbonate gas. The gases possess various effects on the environment and also the health of workers in institutions that are responsible for thermal runway chamber testing (Duffner et al., 2021).
There are conditions that have been put in place while conducting the test. Some of them include ensuring that all test devices are running normally, ensuring that the temperatures are above 0 degrees, and other conditions. However, there is still room for improvement when it comes to hygiene levels in order to protect workers from being exposed to gases produced, which might even lead to death. An example is a situation where sudden modifications are required during the testing process. This can be triggered by the agency to remain competitive with other companies which produce similar batteries or in order to meet the set deadlines. Such changes can lead to unexpected outcomes of the project hence putting the health of workers in danger (Lin et al., 2021).
One of the most common problems associated with the testing is a condition where one of the cells in the Li-ion battery reaches the maximum number of temperatures that should hold because of thermal or mechanical short-circuiting, which leads to loss of stability. This might lead to the spilling of gases into the environment within the industry. It might occur in small quantities, but if the workers are exposed to such gases for a long time, it might lead to a serious health risk.
There are various employees within the institution whereby some possess underlying health complications. Exposure to such chemicals may worsen their health, whether in large or small quantities. Each organization has an obligation to protect its employees from any kind of harm, whether the harm occurs in a short-term period or whether its impact will be noted after an extended period of time.
Problem statement
Thermal Runway testing chamber exposes workers within the industry to toxic chemicals, which leads to poor health in the long run.
Nature and significance of the problem
Exposure to harmful chemicals has become a major problem in the current era, especially due to the increase in diseases that affect workers after working in a toxic environment for an extended period of time. Due to the increasing demand if Li-ion batteries, it is expected that most industries will focus on cutting down on the cost of production in order to maximize their profits. In the process of cutting down the cost of operations, some companies might end up paying little attention to the safety of workers.
Some of the problems which might occur due to exposure to harmful chemicals include inhalation complications, especially when the chemicals end up in the bloodstream and the lungs. It can also lead to skin and eye complications in case one is directly exposed to the chemicals (Ling et al., 2021). It can lead to organ damage within the body. An example is damaging the kidney. One's immune system also begins to weaken, while others begin to develop allergies. Workers who have been exposed to the chemicals for a long may experience productive problems while others' intellectual levels begin to decline.
The worst part is when their children begin to develop health complications due to low-quality genes, which were transferred to them by their parents who work in such industries. Cancer is also a major disease that is associated with exposure to harmful chemicals, whereby it does affect not only the worker but also the entire family in case one is exposed to carcinogenic chemicals.
This research focuses on assessing the possibility of toxic chemical leakages to the environment, which might lead to health complications for workers. Some of the industries state that they have set clear measures on how to keep their workers protected from exposure to harmful chemicals (Muralidharan et al., 2022). However, it is important to assess the possibility that some of the gases might leak into the environment, especially when companies speed up test activities in order to meet the set deadlines.
Objectives of the study
The first objective is to investigate whether there is a possibility of gas leakage from the testing chamber.
The second objective is to test the chemical content of the gases which leak out of the chamber.
The third objective is to determine the level of harm caused by the leaking gases to the health of people exposed to the toxic gases.
Project Questions
Does any harmful gas content leak out during thermal runway chamber testing in lithium battery?
What is the probability that a cell’s gas will leak out of the testing chamber?
Are the current gases leak preventive measures effective when it comes to controlling gas leaks?
What percentage of the total gas leaks outside the testing chamber during the testing process?
Literature Review
The literature review focuses on various scholarly studies which have been conducted by various researchers around the world regarding the thermal runway chamber testing in Lithium battery. It also focuses on the chemicals which are contained within the lithium battery and the health impact of the chemicals in case they escape into the environment.
Thermal runaway refers to a situation whereby the lithium-ion cells which are being tested become uncontrollable which is mostly caused by self-heating state. It can lead to various hazards such as cause of extremely high temperatures, smoke, fire, and ejection of poisonous gases. A cell reaches thermal runway when its temperatures begin to rise at a greater rate than 20 degrees centigrade each minute. In the current era, lithium batteries are the most commonly used rechargeable batteries which means that there is a need to ensure that it is safe for use (Xu et al., 2021).
Potential gases produced during thermal runway chamber are as follows:
There are several types of gases which are emitted while testing the batteries. The first gas that is emitted is phosphoric acid gas which is a less corrosive gas compared to other acids. There are quantities of gas which are found in the Li-ion battery. The impact of the acid might not be noted in a situation where the temperatures remain balanced. However, when it starts to get heated, its corrosion rate begins to increase which also results in an increase in temperatures of the impurities which are within the acid. One of the effects of phosphoric acid gas is that once it gets into contact with the skin, eyes, and various membranes of human body, it begins to corrode (Irfan et al., 2022). An employee who is continuously exposed to such a gas is likely to suffer from long-term effects which are associated with being exposed to the gas.
Hydrogen fluoride exists in two forms that is as a colorless gas or in form of fuming liquid. The most common way through which people are exposed to the gas is in a situation where the faulty instruments cause chemical release into the environment which in an industry. The chemical is used for various purposes which include manufacturing electrical components, aluminum, and other related products (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Once it gets into contact with the body, it has the ability to quickly penetrate through the skin to the tissues whereby it damages the body cells. The more one is exposed to the medical the higher the damage of the cells. People who already possess a pre-existing medical condition are also highly impacted by the chemical. Since it escapes in form of a gas, it damages the lung tissue once it is inhaled. This also leads to fluid accumulation in the lungs of the exposed individual.
Benzene is one of the most highly flammable gases and is a colorless gas. It also possesses a characteristic of evaporating quickly into the air and also floats on water with little ability to dissolve. It is used to make other chemicals which are used for vast activities such as making synthetic fibers, and plastics. When released in an indoor environment, it can be highly concentrated which is harmful to individuals who come into contact with the gas (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
People working in industries which mostly deal with chemicals continuously come into contact with the gas which slows down the working capacity of their body cells. It is also highly responsible for low red blood cells production by the bone marrow which may lead to anemia. It can also cause changes in the blood levels of antibodies which lower an individual’s immune system. In case one has a preexisting medical condition, they are most affected by the gas once they have been exposed. People who have been exposed to the gas often shows confusion, dizziness, continuous headaches, and in worst case death.
When it comes to making Li-ion batteries, ethylene oxide is an important chemical since it is used to produce other types of chemicals. The gas has a slightly sweet odor once it is exposed to the environment. People are exposed to the gas through inhalation, and it is commonly known for its ability to Alter the DNA of the affected individuals. Changes in the DNA lead to several types of cancer such as leukemia and breast cancer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The more an individual is exposed to the gas the higher the level of health complications.
Just like other chemicals, formaldehyde is an important chemical when it comes to manufacturing various products, some of which are used to make Li-ion batteries. It is colorless and highly flammable once it is exposed to elevated temperatures. Once workers within an industry are exposed to the gas, it leads to several health effects beginning with skin irritation, affects the lungs, and eyes. There is also a high possibility that can cause cancer if one is exposed to the chemical for long an extended period of time (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Carbonates are salts which are obtained from carbonic acid and also from carbon dioxide. When combined with calcium salt, it leads to calcium carbonate. The chemical is white in color and can also be found as colorless crystals. The gas can be hazardous in a situation where one is exposed to it. Among its effects include causing problems of the respiratory system which can lead to continuous coughing. It can also lead to eye irritation (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
When heated hydrogen cyanide transforms into a gas which has an almond-like odor. People who are exposed to the gas for a prolonged period of time often suffer from brain complications, heart complications and might also have damaged blood vessels. In worst cases, the individual might die especially if they have other underlying health complications or if exposed for a long time (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Workers who are continuously involved in handling acrylic fibers, plastics, and synthetic rubber often come into contact with the gas especially in the processes of making related products. Failure to take precautionary measures when handling the chemical is the major problem which faces such workers.
According to various scholarly sources and information shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), several types of gas chemicals produced while testing Li-ion batteries have a lot of harmful effects to people who might come into contact with the gases. Most of them have more negative impacts on individuals who are exposed to the gases for an extended period of time. The effects of the gases range from minor health effects to serious health effects such as death.
There are various methods of collecting data. Each method depends on the type and nature of data which is being collected. The type of data source is also key when it comes to methods of collecting data. For the case of testing thermal runway for Li-ion batteries, the targeted field is the laboratory. Several tests shall be administered which means that people will not be considered as key samples (Pandey & Pandey, 2021). The methodology section includes data collection methods, sampling methods, data analysis, and data presentation methods.
Data collection methods
One of the methods which will be used is the manual entry data collection method. Two skilled technicians shall be involved in collecting samples of gases around the chambers. They will record their observations for each test. The main advantage of this method is it is cost effective and easy as long as the equipment used is of the required quality. The main disadvantage is that errors might occur in the process if the technicians record the wrong observations. They will be advised to recheck the details before recording (Pandey & Pandey, 2021).
Experimentation method shall also be used whereby the researcher will create varying situations which includes exposing Li-ion batteries in varying conditions in order to determine where some of the gas produced will escape out of the chamber. The simulation method shall also be used in order to imitate normal testing conditions which includes allowing various chemicals to react normally in each runway test. Content analysis method shall also be used in order to examine the findings of other experienced scholars. This shall involve examining what they tested and some of the mistakes which they made. It will be important in eliminating mistakes in the current experiment.
Data analysis
After the data has been collected through running several tests, a data cleaning method shall be done in order to determine the most useful data which will be important for the research. This involves checking and eliminating errors which might have occurred (Kalpokas & Radivojevic, 2022). Various data analysis tools such as excel shall be used to further analyze the data.
Data presentation
The results shall be presented using line graphs, pie charts and a strategically written report in order to clearly communicate the findings. The presentation shall be as simple as possible in order to be understood by various audience. If necessary, it shall be presented using PowerPoint presentations in case it should be presented to a live audience.
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