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Homework answers / question archive / For this speech, you will present a brief, 3 minute, prepared speech following the sample speech format and example below in which you will introduce yourself

For this speech, you will present a brief, 3 minute, prepared speech following the sample speech format and example below in which you will introduce yourself


For this speech, you will present a brief, 3 minute, prepared speech following the sample speech format and example below in which you will introduce yourself.

This speech is designed to provide you with practical speaking experience and introduce you to the genre of “Special Occasion Speaking,” and to have you learn how to present a person to an audience (even if it is yourself) within a time limit. No outline, audience or visual aids are required for this speech. Casual dress is appropriate for this speech because this is your practice. However, do not look sloppy.

This is the first speech in which you will start to practice your verbal and nonverbal delivery, so I will need to see you from head to toe. Pay attention to your posture and movements. Stand straight, do not cross your legs, and although you may feel awkward, look at the camera. If you have any physical limitations that prevent you from standing, or standing for a long period of time, let me know and I will work with you. Otherwise, do not sit. In addition, do not sit in front of a webcam, do not hold a cell phone in front of you, and do not cut yourself off at the waist. You will follow the example manuscript that is provided below and you will upload this speech to YouTube and submit the URL here. (Review the syllabus for speech submission.)

If for any reason I cannot view your video, I will send you a message using your FSCJ email notifying you of the issue so we can fix it quickly. There will be no negative reflection on your grade if there is a technical issue, so do not worry about that (goes for all speeches)!

Tip for Success: Just relax! Although the speech in this format will be different from a traditional public speaking forum, you do need to understand that you will have an audience. Be yourself, and start to really think about verbal and nonverbal delivery. And…just follow the example for this speech…this is your practice!

**Some info about me: I am originally from Albany NY but moved here to Jacksonville from New Jersey 7 Years ago. I have 2 daughters, 1 of who is 18 and the other who is 5. I have 3 step daughters an 1 step son. Ages 2,4,6 and 11. Currently working on completing my AA Degree and then will enroll in the Radiation therapy program next year. Unfortunately I missed the program that started this past Fall semester. I have 3 dogs and am a big animal advocate in the community helping lost and found pets make their way home or to a safe place like one of our city shelters.INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH COMMUNICATION – SPC 2017 SPEECH #1 – INTRODUCING YOURSELF For this activity, you will create a 2-3 minute “introductory speech” introducing yourself to the class following the guidelines here. This will be a brief speech to help you become familiar with speaking in public and in an online format. You should focus on three of the following areas of your life: background/family, academics, professional, family, military, athletic or extracurricular, or future goals. Purpose: For each student to consider how to begin to organize a speech and to acclimate them to their speaking environment. And, to have a first presentation as a baseline for the instructor to give feedback on delivery tips for future speeches. Use this handout to help create your speech and organize your ideas. Please note, you will transition into each point you will discuss…that is an important part of presenting and an important part of learning the speech “formula”. Remember…this should be NO LONGER than 3 minutes! I. Introduction (Who are you? Create a clever opener if you can. Also you will preview your three main points, e.g., “Today I will tell you about my background and family, about my college education and about my career goals.”) Preview of points: (here you can jot down ideas to brainstorm) Transition: (e.g., “First, I will discuss my background and family.”) II. Body (You will need three main points. Each main point will be a different topic, e.g., family, major in college, any other schooling or certificates/training, where did they grow up/go to high school, military service, or any interesting facts.) 1. Transition: (e.g., “I have told you about my family, next I will tell you about my college education.”) 2. Transition: (e.g., Now that you know about my college education and what I study, here is some information about what I plan to do with my education and career goals.”) 3. III. Conclusion (You will wrap up your speech, summarize your points, and give a clinching statement, e.g., “Today I have introduced myself and presented information about my background and family, college education, and career goals. Now that you have been provided with information about me you did not know, perhaps you will find something in common and would like to get to know me a little better.”) Summary of Points: Peck Kurtz, M. (2019). SPC 2017 Introduction Speech Sample Intro Speech: Here is a sample of how your information should flow following the guidelines provided: I. Introduction: A military veteran with a passion for big trucks and fishing, I am Johnny Long. Today I will tell you about my background and family, my military background, and my college education and career goals. Transition: First, I will discuss my background and family. II. Body: 1. A renaissance man from birth, I was born in Buffalo, NY to Jennifer and Scott Long. My dad, a Navy pilot, was stationed on many different bases around the nation, so I moved often as a child. I went to several different schools as a kid, but ended up in the Jacksonville, FL area in the late 1980’s and graduated from Terry Parker High School in 1988. I joined the United States Marine Corps after high school so I lived in a few other states after enlisting. But, Florida is where I consider home. I am an only child, but I am blessed to have a great set of parents and a wonderful extended family, so I was never alone as a kid. I was married to the Marine Corps for quite a while, but when I was honorably discharged I got married for a brief time, which I consider my “lack of judgment”. Luckily, this year, I married the love of my life and I can definitely say that I was given a second chance with my lovely wife, Marie. I also have a twelve-yearold daughter Alexandra. Marie and I have no kids together, but we have two dogs she says are enough right now. Transition: I have told you about my family, next I will tell you about my military service. 2. I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1988 directly out of high school because I really was not sure of where I wanted my life to go. I can say that it was the best education any one can receive. I am a Desert Storm veteran serving in Iraq, Somalia, Kuwait and Afghanistan. There were a lot of things I saw, and I can say no one will understand unless they are there. During my time in my beloved Corps, I was an MP, a “body bearer” (these are the uniformed Marines you see carrying the coffins of the departed Marines off the planes and during the services), and I was a White House Marine serving under Presidents Bush Senior and Clinton. With much deliberation, I chose to end my service in 1998 because the changes were not satisfying me. After I left, I worked selling cars, and now I own my own business as a contractor for a large delivery company. Transition: You now know about my military service, last I will tell you about my college education and my future career goals. 3. Currently I am in my second year of college at Florida State College at Jacksonville and I am finishing my Associate’s Degree. I plan to transfer to the University of North Florida (luckily I still have my GI Bill) to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. I would like to work in the Juvenile Justice system helping kids to get back on track in their lives. I would like to either work with a DOJ academy to teach kids the right path, or work with one of the DOJ boot camps since I have a military background and can help with the discipline and regimented schedules these kids need to learn. My lovely wife supports every move I make, and she is all for what I want to do. I plan to keep my business and have someone else manage the daily work, and work giving back to my community. III. Conclusion: Today I have myself and presented information about my background and family, military service, and my college education and career goals. Now that you have been provided with information about me you did not know, perhaps you will find something in common and would like to get to know me better. And, if anyone else likes big trucks and fishing, give me a ring! I am due for a fishing weekend! Peck Kurtz, M. (2019). SPC 2017 Introduction Speech

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