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Homework answers / question archive / Practicum #3: Non-Relational Database (100 pts) PROBLEM STATEMENT Find or conceptualize a hypothetical scenario where a non-relational database is the best solution (in your opinion, of course)
Practicum #3: Non-Relational Database (100 pts)
Find or conceptualize a hypothetical scenario where a non-relational database is the best solution (in your opinion, of course). Write at least 1000 words describing:
• the scenario (industry, firm, information requirements, data requirements)
• a discussion describing the form that the NoSQL DB should take (including choosing a specific DB). You should consider other options in your discussion.
• a discussion of why your non-relational solution would work best – a key grading point is justifying your choice (business issues such as cost may also contribute to your decision in addition to technical requirements). Describe the specific characteristics of your scenario that suggests your noSQL solution is the best choice. Describing why it can be utilized is important but insufficient; convince me that it should be the solution – not just that it can be the solution.
• Implement a barebones prototype. Provide a set of example records to show the type of data that your solution is designed to support. Try to give example data for as many realistic types of records as you can.
• implement your solution and submit screenshots demonstrating its functionality. You should tie this discussion back to the originally hypothesized requirements. To be clear, you are not responsible for creating an application that uses this data. Requirements inform you of what an application would need to be capable of and you should describe how the non-implemented application would use your designed data.
Directions: Word process a 1000+ word response to the question above (minimum words = 900, maximum words = 1200, deductions will be made outside of these limits). The word count is for your response only. If you recopy the question or include other materials as reference, these do not count in the word count. Use APA style for citations if used.
You should look up things on the Internet or use class references as your project requires. However, you should assume this essay, as well as any submission for any assignment in any course, will be checked for plagiarism issues. Do not plagiarize sources! This includes paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. If you take any ideas from other sources you must cite these! See the following page regarding what is and what is not plagiarism. If there is any question of whether you should – be safe – cite the source.
Save your response as a PDF named “noSQLproject.pdf” and upload along with your document of screenshots. You may separate your screenshots into a separate document or integrate them into your main discussion.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can cause harm to your grades including failing an assignment, exam, and/or a course. Repeated offenses may even result in expulsion. Changing the words or context of someone else’s work (published or unpublished) does not mean you do not have to cite the work!
The following information is a direct quote from:
Plagiarism FAQs (n.d.) Retrieved May 28, 2010, from (link not active)
If I change the words, do I still have to cite the source?
Changing only the words of an original source is NOT sufficient to prevent plagiarism. You must cite a source whenever you borrow ideas as well as words.
If I cite the source, can I still be accused of plagiarism?
You are allowed to borrow ideas or phrases from other sources provided you cite them properly and your usage is consistent with the guidelines set by fair use laws. As a rule, however, you should be careful about borrowing too liberally -- if the case can be made that your work consists predominantly of someone else's words or ideas, you may still be susceptible to charges of plagiarism. Also, if you follow the words of a source too closely, and do not use quotation marks, it can be considered plagiarism even if you cite the source.
If I write something somebody else already wrote, but I didn't know they wrote it, is that still plagiarism?
While it is possible that you might write on the same topic as someone else, odds are that you will not have exactly the same ideas or express them in exactly the same way. It is highly unlikely that you would be accused of plagiarizing a source you have never read. Be careful, however, of "accidentally" plagiarizing from sources you have read and forgotten -- if your ideas turn out to have been influenced by a source that you read but failed to cite for any reason, you could be guilty of plagiarism.
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