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For this lab, we will begin using MATLAB/Octave

Computer Science

For this lab, we will begin using MATLAB/Octave. Once you have gone through the previous pages of the module, you're welcome to start. Watch the videos below for details on how to format your lab.m file and tips on how to solve the problems: Using MATLAB as a Calculator 2 Running .m Files Please create a MATLAB/Octave script (.m file) with the following, including comments that describe your code. 1) Include a comment (comments start with %) at the top explaining the purpose of the script, your name, and the date it was created. Below is an example. 1 2 3 Lab 2 - ENGR-120 Using MATLAB as a Calculator The purpose of this script is to familiarize us with creating MATLAB scripts and uploading the scripts for course assignments. In this script script we will be doing simple calcuations. Written by Misha Kutzman 2/7/2021 4 5 2) Suppose you are employed at an engineering firm, and you are tasked by your team lead to calculate the following, with the constants u 3, v = 5, x = -3 70.5 1 22 + + 33 1 24 A. 211 1 B. 1 + + 2 2v-2 C. (u+v)? 23 D. 03-23 E. uvu+ 1 F. 92x3 3) The next task your team lead has given you is to find the area of an ellipse. You know the equation of an ellipse centered at the origin is y2 + 1, and the area is given by A = tab. Your ellipse is centered at the origin, with 62 = 5, b = 10. x2 a2 = a = 4) The last task given to you is to find the mass of several spheres of different radii, made from different materials. The volume of a sphere is given by V = a Tr3, and mass is given by volume times density. Calculate the mass of spheres of radii r = 10 cm, 13 cm, 19 cm, made out of the following materials: 4) The last task given to you is to find the mass of several spheres of different radii, made from different materials. The volume of a sphere is given by V Tp3 , and mass is given by volume times density. Calculate the mass of spheres of radii r = 10 cm, 13 cm, 19 cm, made out of the following materials: = Material Density Aluminum Brass Iron 2.6 g/cm3 8.5 g/cm3 7.9 g/cm3 8.9 g/cm3 1.5 g/cm3 7.9 g/cm3 Nickel Rubber Steel Hint: store the densities in an array to reduce the number of calculations. For example, if we have myDensities = [2.6, 8.5, 7.9]; then the line of code (4/3)*pi*10^3*myDensities will calculate the mass of spheres with radius 10 cm, and densities 2.6 g/cm3, 8.5 g/cm3, and 7.9 g/cm3 respectively. Try it out and let me know if you have questions. Criteria Ratings Pts Functionality 4.8 pts 6 pts Excellent O pts Chaos Good The code runs as expected, with maybe 1 minor mistake 6 pts 3 pts Solid Attempt The code runs, but there are MANY major mistakes and/or minor mistakes. The code runs well in general, but there are several minor mistakes or maybe 1 major mistake The code does not run and/or does not approach the intended functionality of the lab Code Comments 1.6 pts 2 pts Excellent O pts Chaos Good The code is properly commented so another engineer may revi the code, understand its' functionality, and use the code. Most of the code is properly commented so another engineer may review the code. understand its' functionality, and use the code 1 pts Solid Attempt More than half the code is commented, but comments are not clear and/or do not reflect functionality. Less than half the code commented 2 pts Code 2 pts 1 pts structure 1.6 pts Good O pts Chaos Excellent The code structure uses the recently covered materials in the reading and classroom to efficiently provide functionality The code structure MOSTLY uses the recently covered materials in the reading and classroom to efficiently provide functionality Solid Attempt The code structure works by any means to provide functionality There is no functionality and therefore 2 pts no code structure Total Points: 10

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