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Homework answers / question archive / Do you think it is possible for an outsider to accurately discern about the underlying cultural values of an organization by analyzing symbols, ceremonies, dress, or other observable aspects of culture in comparison to an insider with several years of work experience? Select a percentage (e

Do you think it is possible for an outsider to accurately discern about the underlying cultural values of an organization by analyzing symbols, ceremonies, dress, or other observable aspects of culture in comparison to an insider with several years of work experience? Select a percentage (e


Do you think it is possible for an outsider to accurately discern about the underlying cultural values of an organization by analyzing symbols, ceremonies, dress, or other observable aspects of culture in comparison to an insider with several years of work experience? Select a percentage (e.g., 10%, 70%, etc.) and explain your reasoning Yes I believe that it is possible for an outsider to accurately discern organizational culture if they have accurate information and make detailed observations. An organization is represented by its symbols, ceremonies, dress, and other observable aspects of organizational culture and they all provide insight into the basic cultural values. Studying these observable artifacts will lead to interpretations about the culture of the organization. An outsider can pick up on visual cues that will lend them an insight into an organization. For example, an outsider may be able to study the attire and office environment of an organization and determine how formal or casual it is. Based on the layout of an organization an outsider may be able to determine the collaborative culture within the organization. An office that has offices and closed spaces may appear to be less collaborative whereas an office with an open floor plan may lead one to believe that the organization has a collaborative culture. The two levels at which an organizations culture exist are “the underlying values and assumptions and the visible artifacts and observable behaviors” (Daft, 2019). Given this and outsider with minimal knowledge of the organization would be able to determine at least half of the organization’s culture, the visible and observable behaviors. If there is direct access to an organization one can analyze it through either the qualitative or quantitative approach. Chapter 11: A noted organization theorist once said, “Pressure for change originates in the environment. Pressure for stability originates within the organization.” Do you agree? I agree that pressure for change materializes because of the environment and stability originates within the organization. The global market for businesses is constantly changing which forces organizations to change. “Powerful environmental forces drive the need for major organizational change” (Daft, 2019). Shifts within market trends, technology advances, new government regulations, and pressure for social reform are some of the pressures that drive organizational change (Daft, 2019). Organizations face huge pressures to change, from both internal and external sources, internal forces to change often because of a long-term external force. Though the pressure for change comes from both internal and external stability is an internal process. Having the ability to adapt and innovate is a must for organizations to remain competitive. Blockbuster is an example of an organization that failed to respond to the external pressures for change and now they only have one location with three employees. Responding to slowly to external forces was a critical mistake on Blockbuster’s part. Netflix CEO and co-founder approached Blockbusters CEO about a partnership and “the company could have bought Netflix that day for $50 million, but its CEO didn’t’ even bother to consider the possibility. He seemed to see it as a great big joke” (Zetlin, 2019). As a result of not responding to the environmental pressure soon enough Blockbuster was forced to close all its stores except one. The ultimate demise of Blockbuster was the failure to answer environmental pressures to change with the times. Chapter 12: If managers frequently use experience and intuition to make complex, nonprogrammed decisions, how do they apply evidence-based management (which seems to suggest that managers should rely on facts and data)? Utilizing a combination of experience, intuition and evidence-based management is how the best managers make decisions. “Evidence-based management is the practice of making managerial and people-related decisions with the use of critical thinking and the best available evidence” (Galli, 2015). The starting point for evidence-based management is that management decisions should be based on a combination of critical thinking and the best available evidence. Evidence-based management is meant as a commitment for making more informed and intelligent decisions based on available evidence that is considered superior. Utilizing evidence-based management allows managers to make informed decisions. Evidence-based management can be practiced in the development of new services and products. “While evidence-based management is often practiced by firms aiming to exploit their existing competencies, increasingly firms experimenting with game-changing new products or services have also learned to use evidence-based management in creative and different ways” (Jackson & Leung, 2018). Chapter 13: In a rapidly changing organization, are decisions more likely to be made using the rational or political model of organization? When goals are clear and shared, behavior is intentional, and there is interdependence between departments a rational model of organization is used (Daft, 2019). A political model of organization on the other hand involves groups with separate and often times competing interests, values, and goals. When utilizing the political model of organization power and influence are relied on to make decisions. A rapidly changing organization is more likely to utilize the political model of organization. Disagreements on performing tasks to achieve organization goals are likely to be high within a rapidly changing organization. In a political model of organization, disagreements are expected and welcome. “The rational model of organization is an ideal that is not fully achievable in the real world, though managers strive to use rational processes whenever possible” (Daft, 2019). What biblical implications should be included/addressed? As believers in The Most High following the teachings in the Bible not only apply to our daily lives but are also important when it comes to decision making and we must remember to be just and fair in business dealings. Treating others with dignity, acting with honesty and integrity must always be done. There are many instances in the Bible that reference honesty and integrity in all things. Proverbs 20:23 states “divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good” (KJV). When conducting business deals it is nearly impossible that all parties will agree on every decision that is made, however every decision should be fair to all involved parties. As we go through life we must always remember that our faith is important in every aspect of our lives. 2 Corinthians 8:21 states “providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men” (KJV). How can/should a biblical worldview be applied? There are several examples of how we as believers should focus on maintaining integrity in our daily lives. Proverbs 19:1 states “better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool” (KJV). Proverbs 20:7 states “the just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him” (KJV). These are only two of many references to integrity within the Bible. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness which is what we as believers and followers of The Most High should strive to have. Building a business, taking on the responsibility of being a leader, and making and executing decisions one must always remember to do so with integrity. References Daft, R.L. (2016). Organization Theory & Design (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Galli, L. (2017, August 15). What is Evidence-Based Management? • ScienceForWork. ScienceForWork. Jackson, N. C., & Leung, O. M. C. (2018, June 25). Evidence-based management for today's "ambidextrous" organizations. Strategy & Leadership. Zetlin, M. (2019, September 20). Blockbuster Could Have Bought Netflix for $50 Million, but the CEO Thought It Was a Joke. Barton Discussion Forum Four COLLAPSE Discussion Forum Four Discerning Cultural Values An outsider is able to discern approximately 40% of the underlying cultural values of an organization. In addition to the observable features, the organization’s marketing ability and workforce influence that level of perception. The more social interaction with the consumer and general public, the higher the perception or discernment of cultural values. Having worked alongside a particular company, wordof-mouth, observations of physical appearance, and marketing ads led me to form an opinion of the company’s cultural values. After I completed the orientation and worked for the company for several years, however, I learned that my perceptions were only marginally correct. According to Daft (2016, p. 389), a manager who understands corporate cultural assumptions is important for building the interpersonal relationships of employees and success of the business. The priority of values and in-depth view of an organization’s business is a priority during employee orientations. These simple meetings introduce the new employee to the organization’s cultural values and indirectly addresses any incorrect assumptions that may exist. The Origination of Change and Stability I agree that the need for change typically originates from the environment, and, as a result, stability originates from within the company. Daft (2016, p. 422) wrote that managers often embrace change as part of an ongoing organizational process to survive environmental demands. However, Brickley et al. (2020) expressed that during seasons of change, consistency within an organization is essential for survival. While these two statements initially seem contradictory, they are actually complementary. An organizational structure that is decentralized and operates with agile methods is best able to weather environmental changes by modifying operations to meet the external demand. This modification, however, does not imply an overhaul of change to the core structure and design of the business. Rather, maintaining consistency and familiarity helps the internal functions flow with moderate efficiency and success. Experience versus Evidenced-based Management In the healthcare industry, evidenced-based treatments take precedence over experience due to the demanding requirements of insurance companies. Health insurance companies prefer to reimburse funds for procedures and treatment methods that have been proven effective. The Federal Drug Administration often provide the standardized seal of approval to all forms of method treatments, which may include medications or manual therapeutic and surgical techniques. The best treatments, however, incorporate the use of evidenced-based treatments in conjunction with a clinician’s experience of successful informal methods. This hybrid of methods better addresses the unique needs of the patient. Bottom line, however, the insurance company remains only interested in the evidenced-based methods and standardized assessments. Applying this knowledge and unique perspective to business, managers who incorporate their experience in conjunction with proven and effective evidenced-based management principles are more likely to produce the desired and successful results. Daft (2016, p. 480) expressed that the evidence-based approach is best for decision making “when problems are analyzable and when the variables can be identified and measured.” Likewise, a manager’s experience allows them the benefit to know past successes, pitfalls to avoid, and when to seek for help or when to rely on evidenced-based methods. One of the most popular evidenced-based methods within business is currently Six Sigma. Many managers pursue specialized training and certification and then incorporate the Six Sigma methods within their organization. While it has proven effective across many industries, managers also realize the importance of modifying certain elements and incorporating additional methods, such as Lean Process, in order to amplify the highest and most beneficial outcomes. Rational or Political Model of Organization In a rapidly changing organization where intergroup conflict inevitably occurs, decisions are more likely to be using the political model of organization. A rational model of an organization is centralized and systematic, while a political model is decentralized (Daft, 2016, p. 519). Decentralization reduces the gap between conflicting parties, reduces information asymmetries, and provides methods to balance interests and prevent conflicts (Farzanegan et al., 2018). By implementing a political model, conflict is reduced. All conflict, however, is not in vain or negative. Hjerto and Kuvaas (2017) wrote that task or intellectual conflict can enhance the effectiveness of a team while relationship or personal conflict is detrimental to the organizational objectives at hand. Certain types of conflict actually promote healthy competition and professional growth. Managers who can adequately identify the conflict and mange such conflict will be able to better control the positive influences and reduce the negative side effects of intergroup conflicts. Biblical Implications The biblical themes of integrity, fairness, excellence, and the principles of the Golden Rule are implicated in most healthy business transactions. These themes are identified throughout Christianity, as influenced by biblical interpretation. The theme of integrity is captured by Proverbs 11:3 (New International Version Bible, 2011), which instructs the reader to let integrity be their guide in order to avoid being destroyed. Fairness is identified through the themes of justice and as an identifiable trait of God (New International Version Bible, 2011, Psalm 50:6). Second Corinthians 8:7 (New International Version Bible, 2011) encourages Christians to excel in everything. Excellence in business matters promotes integrity. In turn, integrity and fairness together contribute to form the Golden Rule, which is found in Matthew 7:12 (New International Version Bible, 2011). The Golden Rule targets treating others in the same way a person would expect to be treated themselves. While this is a definitive Christian principle, the Golden Rule does appear in other religions, resulting in a somewhat universal expectation of respect, honesty, integrity, and fairness. Application of a Biblical Worldview Identification and application of biblical principles toward change and conflict are relevant to the Christian business manager. Understanding change, its benefits and its purpose, assists the manager in modifying and navigating a business toward its objectives. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (New International Version Bible, 2011) offers reassurance that change is seasonal, but may leave a long-lasting impact. Change requires flexibility and adjustments, some being permanent but it is, ultimately, short term in the large scheme of life. Conflict, on the other hand, also has its benefits and seasons. As a result, understanding when to intervene is crucial for a manager. Such skill requires wisdom. Knowing when to respond and when to mediate embraces Proverbs 29:11 (New International Version Bible, 2011), which expresses that the wise bring calm at the correct time. Operating with a biblical worldview profits a manger who desires to excel in business. References Brickley, J., Smith, C., Zimmerman, J., & Willett, J. (2020). Using organizational architecture to lead change. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 32(1), 128-137. Daft, R. (2016). Organization theory and design (12th ed.). Cengage Learning. Farzanegan, R., Lessmann, C., & Markwardt, G. (2018). Natural resource rents and internal conflicts: Can decentralization lift the curse? Economic Systems, 42(2), 186205. S0939362518300931?via%3Dihub Hjerto, K. & Kuvaas, B. (2017). Burning hearts in conflict: New perspectives on the intragroup conflict and team effectiveness relationship. International Journal of Conflict Management, 28(1), 50-73. content/doi/10.1108/IJCMA-02-20160009/full/html#sec001 New International Version Bible. (2011). Biblica.

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