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Homework answers / question archive / In this assignment, you will begin working toward a successful ePortfolio by providing an initial plan describing how you will meet the ePortfolio requirements detailed in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document

In this assignment, you will begin working toward a successful ePortfolio by providing an initial plan describing how you will meet the ePortfolio requirements detailed in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document

Computer Science

In this assignment, you will begin working toward a successful ePortfolio by providing an initial plan describing how you will meet the ePortfolio requirements detailed in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. While the plan you submit in this assignment may not be final, it should be a solid starting point with clear ideas for your instructor to review. This assignment may be seen as a way of beginning a conversation with your instructor that will result in a challenging but practical plan to follow in producing an ePortfolio that will showcase your skills across the key fields of computer science. As you will recall from the final project guidelines, there is some flexibility in the components you select for the ePortfolio. You will select at least one (with a maximum of three) artifact to represent your growth in the key areas of software design/engineering, algorithms and data structures, and databases. The artifacts you choose may include work from previous courses in the Computer Science program or relevant works that you created outside of your coursework, for instance at a job or internship. While in many cases an artifact may demonstrate your skills in only one area (such as software engineering or databases), some artifacts may illustrate skills across two or all three of the key categories. During this course, you will enhance the artifacts you choose to improve their quality, address their limitations or inconsistencies, and/or mitigate vulnerabilities. Your instructor will help you identify enhancements that can be completed during the course and will showcase your skills. This assignment asks you to provide your initial plans for these enhancements and your ePortfolio skills as a whole. Keep in mind that your final project comprises 70% of your total grade for this course. As such, an important piece of this assignment is connecting your plans for your ePortfolio to the course outcomes represented in your final project rubric. Use this assignment to plan your outcome coverage and refer to this plan throughout the course to help you ensure complete coverage. Prompt: In a Microsoft Word document of four paragraphs, explain how you plan to fulfill the requirements for the ePortfolio for CS 499. Specifically, identify the artifacts you will use to demonstrate your skills in these key areas: ? ? ? Software design/engineering Databases Algorithms and data structures Be sure to include the source of each artifact you describe; for instance, does it come from a course in the Computer Science program or from work you have done outside your coursework? In addition to identifying the artifacts and explaining how they align with the three categories, discuss your plans for enhancing or refining your work to improve its quality while further demonstrating your skills. For each category, include pseudocode or a flowchart to help illustrate the planned enhancement. Organize your work as follows: ? In the first three paragraphs, take each category in turn and first explain how you will illustrate your work in it with an artifact. Then, describe your plans for enhancing or refining your work in the category during CS 499. Finally, explain how this planned enhancement will illustrate specific skills and course outcomes. At the end of each paragraph, include pseudocode or a flowchart that illustrates the planned enhancement, and refer to this pseudocode or graphic in your written description. ? In the fourth paragraph, address the ePortfolio as a whole. If you fulfill your enhancement plans, what specific skills or knowledge will your work demonstrate? Are there any gaps relative to the course outcomes? Are there remaining limitations or weaknesses you may need to address? Finally, are there particular questions or concerns that you would like your instructor to address in responding to this plan? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Category One: Software Engineering/Design A. Artifact name, origin, and category (software engineering/design) B. Enhancement plan, including pseudocode or flowchart of the design C. Skills illustrated and course outcome(s) these skills align to (refer to the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for outcomes) II. Category Two: Algorithms and Data Structures A. Artifact name, origin, and category (algorithms/data structures) B. Enhancement plan, including pseudocode or flowchart of the design C. Skills illustrated and course outcome(s) these skills align to III. Category Three: Databases A. Artifact name, origin, and category (databases) B. Enhancement plan, including pseudocode or flowchart of the design C. Skills illustrated and course outcome(s) these skills align to IV. ePortfolio Overall A. Skills/outcomes planned to be illustrated in the code review B. Skills/outcomes planned to be illustrated in the narratives C. Skills/outcomes planned to be illustrated in the professional self-assessment Optionally, you may include at the end of your document any questions or concerns you would like your instructor to address in responding to your plan. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your work should be a polished document of about 4 paragraphs, submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing and a standard font. Critical Elements Category One: Artifact Name, Origin, Category Category One: Enhancement Plan Proficient (100%) Selects an artifact that is aligned with the category and explains its origin Category One: Skills Illustrated Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate specific skills Category Two: Artifact Name, Origin, Category Category Two: Enhancement Plan Selects an artifact that is aligned with the category and explains its origin Category Two: Skills Illustrated Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate specific skills Category Three: Artifact Name, Origin, Category Category Three: Enhancement Plan Selects an artifact that is aligned with the category and explains its origin Category Three: Skills Illustrated Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate specific skills Describes a practical, well-illustrated plan for enhancement in alignment with the category Describes a practical, well-illustrated plan for enhancement in alignment with the category Describes a practical, well-illustrated plan for enhancement in alignment with the category Needs Improvement (75%) Selects an artifact but does not sufficiently explain its categorical alignment or its origin Describes a plan that lacks sufficient detail, is not practical, is not sufficiently illustrated, or does not align with the category Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate skills, but skills listed may lack specificity or may not be shown by the planned enhancement Selects an artifact but does not sufficiently explain its categorical alignment or its origin Describes a plan that lacks sufficient detail, is not practical, is not sufficiently illustrated, or does not align with the category Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate skills, but skills listed may lack specificity or may not be shown by the planned enhancement Selects an artifact but does not sufficiently explain its categorical alignment or its origin Describes a plan that lacks sufficient detail, is not practical, is not sufficiently illustrated, or does not align with the category Explains how the planned enhancement will demonstrate skills, but skills listed may lack specificity or may not be shown by the planned enhancement Not Evident (0%) Does not select an artifact Value 9 Does not provide an enhancement plan 9 Does not list skills to be illustrated by the planned enhancement 9 Does not select an artifact 9 Does not provide an enhancement plan 9 Does not list skills to be illustrated by the planned enhancement 9 Does not select an artifact 9 Does not provide an enhancement plan 9 Does not list skills to be illustrated by the planned enhancement 9 ePortfolio Overall: Skills Illustrated Accurately describes the skill set illustrated by the ePortfolio as a whole Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Lists skills, but skills may lack specificity or may not be shown by the planned enhancements Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Does not list skills to be illustrated by the ePortfolio as a whole 9 Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas Total 10 100%

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