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Homework answers / question archive / The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify a core challenge that HR Is facing today and provide an evidence based solution on how to address that challenge, in a form of a detailed report

The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify a core challenge that HR Is facing today and provide an evidence based solution on how to address that challenge, in a form of a detailed report


The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify a core challenge that HR Is facing today and provide an evidence based solution on how to address that challenge, in a form of a detailed report. The audience for the report is senior HR leadership and you are making a strategic suggestion for a contemporary issue. Approach this assignment is pen of your career development Journey. First focus on one HR specialisation/core area you wish to pursue as part of your career development. Then identify, discuss and suggest possible solutions to a contemporary issue relevant to the chosen specialization/core area. This assessment is an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge of the core specialisms within HR, keep abreast of contemporary HR Issues in their chosen field and demonstrate evidence-based, problem solving skills as well as building their professional

Reputation By writing convincingly for a senior audience. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate professional courage, the ability to influence decision making and get buy-in for evidence-based solutions through critical writing/communication skills.


Alignment with CIPD requirements:


Required Criteria:

  • The report should be professionally written and include:
  • Title – the title should indicate clearly the focus of the report. It should be brief and, if possible, generate interest in the importance of the report’s content.
  • Table of contents- this shows how the report is structured and indicates the page numbers of the main elements. You should also include a list of charts and diagrams (where appropriate) and any appendices.(the table of contents will not be included in your word count).
  • Executive summary – this is a brief summary of the report, no longer than one page, which is designed to help the reader decide whether they wish to read the full report. Although it is the first thing to be read, it should be written last and should include: the purpose of the report: how the topic was investigated; an overview of the findings; the key recommendations,
  • Introduction – the purpose of the introduction is to see the scene; it contextualizes the issue, explains the significance of it and sets out how you plan (i.e. what was your method of analysis? See note below on research methods) to address the topic in the body of the report. The introduction can also outline the scope of the report any boundaries or constraints that may apply or affect the progress of the study.
  • For each solution you propose you need to
  • Review of the evidence (Literature review)- It's important that professionals wrong within HR are up-to-date with recent developments and Ideas that Inform OR practice. The purpose of the literature review is to put the issue under Investigation Into perspective and demonstrate your knowledge of the key works and latest findings on the topic. is you are writing a report solely for a business audience, you do rot need to Include an entire literature review- however, you must include evidence i.e. support the solutions that job propose In the report.
  • Strategic evidence can be provided after you conduct e sufficient literature review whiff Includes a critical evaluation of published material Including books, journal articles, research reports and discussion paper. Different sources may cor\tract other co It‘s Important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each and explore why any difference¥ ml@ñt occur. See further notes in literature review
  • Finding, analyst and discussion- Your solution should logically arrow on the evidence you have provided and be presented as clearly as possible you ¢hat they are easily understood and accessible to the reader. You should also explain the significance of your proposed solutions. You should also suggest explanations for your findings and any ou8lne any Issues that may have influenced the results.
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • This concluding section draws together the main Issues Identified In the report and should refer back to the alms and objectives - has the report achieved what It set out to do7 This section should not Include any new material
  • The recommendations should be actionable and feasible in the organizational


  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • This concluding section draws together the main Issues Identified In the report and should refer back to the alms and objectives - has the report achieved what It set out to do7 This section should not include any new material.
  • The recommendations should be actionable and leadable In the organizational context. You should show what needs to be done and why. It is advisable that you priorities ¢he recommendations that are likely to achieve the greatest effect. The Implementation p\an should give some Indication of timescales and cost Implications.
  • It's acceptable to give a ‹holes of approaches In the recommer›datIons. if you do this
  • Ensure that the costs and benefits of each approach are explained, so that the reader can make an informed decision about which approach ¢o choose. You might also record mend that further research Is carried out. If you do this, explain what the benefits of the additional research would be.
  • References — but references will not be Included In your word count.
  • TI e problem/core challenge should be clearly described and ›dentIfled based on what it belng reported in the Industry/Hlt professional associations/bodies. It must be evidence-based, not a hypothetical problem. Tip 1: Check !' : v\›! r?. ! ! ¿.! ! ! !\.


  • i I i I'' !\ li '8, Harvard Business Review etc and reputable news websites. Tip 1: plck a
  • core area oi HR that you have a strong interest In or want to develop expertise In.
  • The solutions should draw on research, that you provided In your profesHonal report. These shoukl be rooted in evidence. Solutions should be principles led and based oo evidenced based material as required by CIPD. Tiy 3: This is not an academic essay, but a professional report. Understand the audience of the report and have clarity about the purpose of the assignment. References are to be used to demonstrate competence and to show evidence based soluoons; they are not to be used to make theoretical arguments.
  • Note nn Research methods helps explain what you did to gather the Information that you are presenting. You should explain the approach used (such as questionnaires, IntervJews, and so on), why you took tfiis approach and how you declded what sample of people to include In any surveys that you underto<›k. You shauld also demonstrate an awareness of alternative methods, the suitablllty of primary and secondary data sources to your investigation, ethical co+isiderations and any logistical problems you may have encountered. You may consult and refer to texts on research methods to tustrfy why your chosen approach was suitable and, theref‹zre, why the resulting findings are robust enough to base business decisions on them.
  • Notes on Literature Review: The literature review should also aim to explain the Issue in the cwtext of contemporary Ideas and thinking, including a discusslon of relevant models. concepts, Ideas and current good practice. IF should Identify key trends and/or gaps in knowled4e an4 so inform and Influence the subsequent stages of your investigation. It can help to summarise the lsey issues derived from the literature at the end of this section and show how thls relates to your own research of the topic.
  • General Information
  • 1. This Is an individual assignment, and It is worth 30% of total grade
  • Maximum word count Is 2,5@'I words
  • In-text citations will count towards the word count, so it is advised that students only use in-lext citations when referring to a report or a particular theoretical framework and not beyond that.
  • A reference lJst should be Included at the end. The rofe‹ence list wJll not count
  • towards the wo‹d count.
  • Thls B^^!4^MWt foIIowS the Postgraduate Marking Criteria available on Canvas
  • You can use diagrams/pictures/tables that you think may be relevant. These are not part of the word count.


  • The eoetgreduate rrrefhing crl!erl8
  • Incorporate diflareFit g eria for ddfnrent aspac(s
  • in


  • as-stent, to reflect the diversity of »kllle thet atudenta may be required to demonstrate
  • the range of medu›ds usad dCrogg the school.
  • 1.  AbB1GNIuENTg -  Criteria fOr A4aea«Ment


Good execuilon of the brief; well-focuñeed, knowledgeable. strong evidence of reading beyond the baslc taxta. Good crltfcel gresp of

*•^ou Iy !nedaquate execution of the brief. Failure \o focus upon lho queséori. 9erBuely ehort or aven devoid of jheoretlcel undar-pinning.




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