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Reading material for this essay is Pratt, J

Health Science

Reading material for this essay is Pratt, J. R. (2016). Long-term care: managing across the continuum. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

For this class, you will write a critical analyses paper demonstrating understanding and application of key concepts learned on chapters 18-20. Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all major topics into individual headings for better flow and clarity. Adherence to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines must be demonstrated where appropriate. Your paper will include a critical analyses of the questions below. A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of key concepts and/or theories.

Please critically analyze the following:
The importance of marketing in long-term care organizations.

The relationship between strategic planning and marketing in long-term care.

The major challenges that have faced the long-term care system in recent years.

The success of the system in responding to the challenges outlined.

The challenges and opportunities future long-term care managers are likely to face.


CHAPTER ~arketing and Community Relations Learning --Objectives --After completing this chapter, readers will be able to: 1. Understand marketing and community relations, how they differ, and how they apply to long-term care. 2. Understand the relationship between strategic planning and market planning. 3. Identify and define how a marketing strategy 1s developed. 4. Understand the role of market research in creating a marketing plan. 5 - Define the resources and skills needed to implement and maintain a marketing plan. I Introduction M.ark~ting and community relations are critical to the success of any long-term care organization for several reasons, including: 1. Increased competition among long-term care providers and between them and 2 other segments of the healthcare field. · Growing awareness on the part of consumers of their rights to choose among faci·1·ities · and services. 3 - The f · 1 . . · · tn~ncia uncertamty of being a long-term care provider orgamzatwn. 4 · f • · 1 e s· Increasing Th impact o managed care organizations on ong-term car · . · · e need for long-term care providers both individually and collectively, to ~mprove an image that has been poor i~ the past and is even now under attack rom some quarters. and. other re1ated factors mandate that all long-term care provi·d ers develop sou These d n th marketing and commumty . relations . rnake programs and devote t he nee d ed resourcesf to em Work. In addition, providers must understand what it takes to be success u1. 459 munity Relations . . M keting and com k . it is intentionally titled, "Mar• pef1n1ng ar mar etmg, f I this chapter focuses on b h re elements of a success u overall lthough most of " b a use ot a . / . . d C munity Relations ec bl' [at;ons and community re ations are ketmg an om h t pu ic re • . . Therefore be noted here t a d h e many characteristics. ld h I program. ts ou h d 1·ndee s ar h . . ' synonymously, and t ey O £ h terms to show how t ey are similar, d often use . . ith definitions o t ese ' the discussion begms w h the overlap. . . " • . w they are different, and w ere Marketing Association as the activity, set ho · . an d exc hangMarketing is de f'med bYthe Amencan . municating d e1ivermg, s for creatmg, com ' d . I " of institutions, an d processe clients partners, an society at arge l e for customers, ' d . ing offerings that h_ave va u . . n 2014 ). It is specifically focu~e ~n gettmg con' d r services the orgamzat10n has to offer. (American Marketing Assoc1at1oh hase t e pro ucts o . k . d sumers to choose an p~rc d . rket research, developmg a mar etmg The marketing process involves con uctmg ma A ri II I I I Y strategy, and implementing ~hat ~tr~tegy. bl' c relations must first be defined. Public To understand c~mmumty ~e a~10ns, pu ssithat builds mutually beneficial relation1 ·0 · "a strategic commumcat10n proce . :~i;~ :::een organizations and their publics" (Public Relations Socie~ of Amenca, 2014 ). Simple and straightforward, this definition focuse~ on the ?a~ic concept public relations-as a communication process, one that is_ strategi_c m nature emphasizing mutually beneficial relationships (Public Relat10ns Society of Am~nca, 2014). It is much broader in scope than marketing and focuses more on c~eatmg a positive image for the organization than on selling its services. It usually contams_ s?me element of getting good publicity and avoiding, or at least managing, bad pubhc1ty. Community relations, on the other hand, involve positive interaction with the community served. This includes public relations as a means of creating a favorable image with that community-but goes a bit further. It involves participation in community activities; providing certain services that the community needs, such as free clinics; and being considered a good neighbor by the community it serves. It is easy to see how the terms marketing, public relations, and community relations can be confu~ed because they each rely on the others. It is not necessarily important that they be considered separately as long as the role of each is understood. The way that each fits into an organization's overall marketing plan is explored later in this chapter. :1 Organizing for Marketing Although _they m_a~ ~ot identify it as such, all long-term care organizations are engaged in marketmg act1v1t1es. However, do they do so effectively ff' · tl nd ·n an orga. Th df . h , e 1c1en y, a 1 mzed m~nner? e sa act 1st at many do not. With market competition incre~sing withm long-term_ care, successful marketing campaigns have become essential aspects of doing busmess even for smaller LTC organizations. Despite the size of 4 60 CHAPTER 18 Marketing and Community Relations anization, the quality of the customer se rvice it .d . . the org ut into esta blishing relationships are key comp provf, es •n addition to the fforts p . re provide oncnts or mark e rvices (Kee f er, 2014) . Some long-term ca . . etin g Iong-term -arese r organ 1zat1ons co t' " t to attract customers on somewhat of an ad hoc ba . 0 h- h n inu e to artel11P . I d h • < sis. t ers ave develo d al rnArketmg p ans an ave mtegrated marketing concepts . t h . pe - · · h. l in o t e,r overall fornl rions. O.rgamzations mt IS atter group have a far better chance o f surv,va . . 1and . I 0 per a -periry m the ong-term care system. They have developed a marker· pro~ . k . . . mg menta 1.tty. Develop1?g a mar etmg me1:1ta 1tty m~ans understanding the value of hav in g a good marketing pl~n. A_ marketmg plan IS a road map that your organization will be following to achieve its goals and objectives for revenue growth. In other words a marketing plan is a description of the activities you and your team will execute t~ grow or maintain your organization's goals (Fannon, 2013). It also means knowing rbat marketing is an integral part of the overall success of the organization. The reason ro create a marketing plan could be any or all of the following: • To provide greater discipline in the planning process • To provide strategic direction for an organization or business unit • To provide an action plan for marketing-related activities • To provide a formal record of marketing-related decisions • To request budget • To request internal resources • To create dialogue with senior management . . • To communicate marketing priorities to other parts of the orgamzation • To obtain buy-in from other parts of the organization (Lee & Hayes, 200?) A marketing strategy or plan can answer the following queS t ions: I Wh . . ;> at economic and business environment are you expenencmg. I Wh f . ;> at opportunities and problems are you acmg. . ,I Wh What bus mess objectives do you expect to ac h"ieve ;>· , What exactly do you sell? O • Wh are your customers? ur competitors'? th an yo • 1-, Y should they buy your product or service ra th er rs~ qow w ·11 · to your custome · • Who you communicate your product or service • lio, .. Will do what, when? learn from the experi•v are yo . ss so you can ence u gomg to measure your progre (Lee & Hayes 2007) :> ne An organ. . , . . izes that it must allocate t~e d cessary izat1on with a marketing mentality reco~n f he marketing plan. This dOes not resources for development and implementation o t A marketing strategy 0es , necess ·1 ts of money. h t your Clr 11 t nee any mean devoting huge amoun . however, meant a d g

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