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Homework answers / question archive / I require a C++ Master code for my ESP32 that completes the above task
I require a C++ Master code for my ESP32 that completes the above task.
I have got two sensors on my car which are the HC-SR04 and the MPU6500 which must be used to complete the task. We must use I2C communication between the two devices. The slave code is completed but I just need to finish writing the master code. Ive attached the slave code also for reference if you need.
Here’s the Master code i’ve tried writing so far
#include <HCSR04.h>
#include <Wire.h> // include Wire library
#include <MPU6050_tockn.h>
#define MPU6050_ADDR 0x68
#define I2C_Arduino_ADDR 0x04 // 4 in hexadecimal
MPU6050 mpu6050(Wire);
HCSR04 hc(5, 18); //initialisation class HCSR04 (trig pin , echo pin)
long timer = 0;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
int stop_left = 0;
int stop_right = 0;
int left_back = -250;
int right_back = -250;
int left_fwd = 250;
int left_fwd_2 = 160;
int right_fwd_2 = 160;
int right_fwd = 250;
int steering = 20;
int steering_2 = 80;
int mid_steering = 52.7;
void loop() {
if (millis() - timer > 1000) {
Serial.print("angleX : ");
Serial.print("\tangleY : ");
Serial.print("\tangleZ : ");
timer = millis();
Serial.println(hc.dist()); // return curent distance in serial
Wire.write((byte)((left_fwd & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(left_fwd & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((right_fwd & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(right_fwd & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((mid_steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(mid_steering & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Wire.write((byte)((left_fwd_2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(left_fwd_2 & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((right_fwd & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(right_fwd & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(steering & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
//if(mpu6050.getAngleZ() >= 180 || mpu6050.getAngleZ() <= -180 )
// {
Wire.write((byte)((left_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(left_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((right_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(right_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((mid_steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(mid_steering & 0x000000FF));
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// }
Wire.write((byte)((left_fwd & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(left_fwd & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((right_fwd_2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(right_fwd_2 & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((steering_2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(steering_2 & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
Wire.write((byte)((left_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(left_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((right_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(right_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((mid_steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(mid_steering & 0x000000FF));
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// Wire.write((byte)((left_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
// Wire.write((byte)(left_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
// Wire.write((byte)((right_back & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
// Wire.write((byte)(right_back & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
// Wire.write((byte)((mid_steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
// Wire.write((byte)(mid_steering & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
// Wire.endTransmission();// stop transmitting
//if(hc.dist() <= 10)
Wire.write((byte)((stop_left & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(stop_left & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((stop_right & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of x, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(stop_right & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of x, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.write((byte)((mid_steering & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)); // first byte of y, containing bits 16 to 9
Wire.write((byte)(mid_steering & 0x000000FF)); // second byte of y, containing the 8 LSB - bits 8 to 1
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// }
Here’s the Arduino Nano SLAVE CODE
// DO NOT modify or edit any of this code - for Session 2, the Arduino NANO code is provided for you
// the only exception is modify the pin numbers for the motors (if the motors do not spin the correct way)
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Encoder.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define servoPin 4
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
float steeringAngle; // variable to store the servo position
// either change your wire connections to the two encoders or change the pin numbers in the code
// to change whether the count increments or decrements when turning in a particular direction
Encoder enc1(2, 11); // create an encoder object for encoder 1
Encoder enc2(3, 12); // create an encoder object for encoder 2
long oldPos_enc1 = -999;
long oldPos_enc2 = -999;
long enc1_count;
long enc2_count;
#define enA 5 // EnableA command line - should be a PWM pin
#define enB 6 // EnableB command line - should be a PWM pin
// name the motor control pins - replace the ** with your pin number, digital pins do not need the 'D' prefix whereas analogue pins need the 'A' prefix
#define INa A0 // Channel A direction
#define INb A1 // Channel A direction
#define INc A2 // Channel B direction
#define INd A3 // Channel B direction
void setup() {
Wire.begin(4); // join I2C bus with address #4
Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // register event
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // register event
myservo.attach(servoPin); // attach our servo object to pin D4
// the Servo library takes care of defining the PinMode declaration (libraries/Servo/src/avr/Servo.cpp line 240)
// configure the motor control pins as outputs
pinMode(INa, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INb, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INc, OUTPUT);
pinMode(INd, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
// initialise serial communication
Serial.println("Arduino Nano is Running"); // sanity check
void loop() {
// update the two encoder values
enc1_count =;
enc2_count =;
if (enc1_count != oldPos_enc1) {
oldPos_enc1 = enc1_count;
if (enc2_count != oldPos_enc2) {
oldPos_enc2 = enc2_count;
// this function executes when data is requested from the master device
void requestEvent(void)
// this function executes whenever data is received from the master device
void receiveEvent(int howMany)
if(howMany != 6) // for 3 16-bit numbers, the data will be 6 bytes long - anything else is an error
int16_t leftMotor_speed = 0;
int16_t rightMotor_speed = 0;
int16_t servoAngle = 0;
uint8_t leftMotor_speed16_9 =; // receive bits 16 to 9 of x (one byte)
uint8_t leftMotor_speed8_1 =; // receive bits 8 to 1 of x (one byte)
uint8_t rightMotor_speed16_9 =; // receive bits 16 to 9 of y (one byte)
uint8_t rightMotor_speed8_1 =; // receive bits 8 to 1 of y (one byte)
uint8_t servoAngle16_9 =; // receive bits 16 to 9 of z (one byte)
uint8_t servoAngle8_1 =; // receive bits 8 to 1 of z (one byte)
leftMotor_speed = (leftMotor_speed16_9 << 8) | leftMotor_speed8_1; // combine the two bytes into a 16 bit number
rightMotor_speed = (rightMotor_speed16_9 << 8) | rightMotor_speed8_1; // combine the two bytes into a 16 bit number
servoAngle = (servoAngle16_9 << 8) | servoAngle8_1; // combine the two bytes into a 16 bit number
// verify that the correct values are received via the serial monitor
Serial.print("Left Motor: ");
Serial.print("Right Motor: ");
Serial.print("Servo: ");
runMotors(leftMotor_speed, rightMotor_speed);
// function to clear the I2C buffer
void emptyBuffer(void)
Serial.println("Error: I2C Byte Size Mismatch"); // i.e. an incorrect number of bytes has been received
// function to set the steering angle
void setSteeringAngle(int servoAngle){
servoAngle = constrain(servoAngle, 0, 180); // prevents the servo being set to 'impossible' angles
// function to run the motors
void runMotors(int leftMotor_speed, int rightMotor_speed){
// limit the speed value between -255 and 255 as the PWM value can only be between 0 and 255 - the negative is handled below
leftMotor_speed = constrain(leftMotor_speed, -255, 255);
rightMotor_speed = constrain(rightMotor_speed, -255, 255);
// vary the motor speeds - use the absolute value to remove the negative
analogWrite(enA, abs(leftMotor_speed));
analogWrite(enB, abs(rightMotor_speed));
// if the speed value is negative, run the motor backwards
if (leftMotor_speed < 0) {
digitalWrite(INa, LOW);
digitalWrite(INb, HIGH);
// else, run the motor forwards
else {
digitalWrite(INa, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INb, LOW);
// if the speed value is negative, run the motor backwards
if (rightMotor_speed < 0) {
digitalWrite(INc, LOW);
digitalWrite(INd, HIGH);
// else run the motor forwards
else {
digitalWrite(INc, HIGH);
digitalWrite(INd, LOW);