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Homework answers / question archive / Step 1: Select a sociological concept

Step 1: Select a sociological concept


Step 1: Select a sociological concept. Concepts we have covered this semester include sociological imagination, power elite, socialization, cultural toolkit, norms, deviance, social construction of race, colorblind racism, institutional racism, criminalization, stratification, class, structural inequality, cultural knowledge, division of labor, work, household division of labor or second shift, social determinants of health and illness, social movements.

If you wish to propose a sociological concept not listed above, email me before moving forward with your paper.

Step 2: Find a media piece (magazine, news article, radio show, podcast, meme, TV episode, etc.) related to the sociological concept you’ve selected.

Step 3: Write a 2–3-page paper sharing the media piece and explaining how it illustrates the sociological concept. You must clearly articulate an understanding of the concept you have selected. Include your media piece with your paper.


Your paper should have 1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and be double-spaced. Be sure to edit your paper for writing errors prior to submission.

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