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Homework answers / question archive / Your company is preparing for life after Brexit and requires you to produce a report on the potential economic repercussions in terms of the likely business environment it will face
Your company is preparing for life after Brexit and requires you to produce a report on the potential economic repercussions in terms of the likely business environment it will face. Discuss BOTH of the following issues:
a)If Brexit results in a recession how might the government and Bank of England alleviate this with fiscal and monetary policy? Are there any potential problems with such policies? (950 - 1000 words)
b)Since Brexit has resulted in a new trading situation for the UK, discuss the arguments concerning free trade versus protectionism. (950 - 1000 words)
check the attached file for more requirements
Harvard style referencing (6 minimiuim references)
FoMLSS / Accounting, Finance and Economics AFE4001-B Business Economics Coursework Assessment (2): 2000 words maximum Submission Date: 3pm, Monday, 10 May 2021 INFORMATION TO CANDIDATES 1. Submit your assignment electronically through Canvas using the Assignments menu. 2. Failure to submit, or submitting after the deadline without an authorised extension, will be considered as a non-submission and you will receive a mark of zero. 3. Following submission your work will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. 4. You can review the similarity report generated by Turnitin after you have submitted. Go to Assignments and click on the assignment where you have submitted. Click on the Similarity Score Icon to see the similarity report. 5. The similarity score indicates the percentage of your work that is the same as other sources. A high score may indicate that the work is not original and has been copied. 6. You can submit as many times as you like before the submission deadline. Your last submission prior to the deadline will be your final submission and this is the one that will be marked. You will receive a new originality report for each version you submit. 7. Please use your UB number as the submission title if the assignment requires an individual submission. 8. Your assignment will only be accepted if it is one of the approved file types. The permissible formats are limited to the following file extensions: .doc, .docx, .txt, .pdf. 9. You are advised to plan your work carefully and back-up your work. Computing problems will NOT be accepted as reasons for non-submission. 10. Note the maximum word limit of 2,000 words. Excessive assignments will be penalised according to section 8.9 of Regulation 2 - Regulation Governing Undergraduate Awards: “Assessed work which exceeds a specified maximum permitted length will be subject to a penalty deduction of marks equivalent to the percentage of additional words over the limit. The limit excludes bibliographies, diagrams and tables, footnotes, tables of contents and appendices of data.” 11. The final mark and the feedback for your assignment will appear on Canvas under Grades tab no later than 20 working days after the deadline submission. You should receive an email notification when your mark and feedback have been released (Check in your Account Settings under Notifications to ensure this email is generated. You can also change your settings to receive a text message notification if you wish). 12. When the grade and feedback are available, please read the feedback carefully to understand how your work could have been improved. Contact your Module Leader via email if you feel that you need further help to understand the feedback. COURSEWORK BRIEF – ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS Your company is preparing for life after Brexit and requires you to produce a report on the potential economic repercussions in terms of the likely business environment it will face. Discuss BOTH of the following issues: a) If Brexit results in a recession how might the government and Bank of England alleviate this with fiscal and monetary policy? Are there any potential problems with such policies? (1000 words) (50 marks) b) Since Brexit has resulted in a new trading situation for the UK, discuss the arguments concerning free trade versus protectionism. marks) (1000 words) (50 GENERIC MARKING SCHEME (Undergraduate level 4, 5 and 6) Mark (%) Information and Application Analysis Class [Descriptor] knowledge 70-100 Contains all Answers question Ideas always First information fully and expressed [Excellent] required, with no completely. logically and major errors and Excellent coherently. no or very few adaptation and Excellent use of minor errors. application of appropriate concepts. No mathematical / irrelevant diagrammatic material. exposition. 60-69 Upper second [Very good] Contains all or almost all information required, with no major errors and only a few minor errors. Answers question fully. Very good adaptation and application of concepts. Little irrelevant material. 50-59 Lower second [Good] Contains most information required, with no or very few major errors and some minor errors. Mainly answers question. Good adaptation and application of concepts. Some irrelevant material. 40-49 Third [Satisfactory] Contains basic (core) information required, with some major and minor errors. Only answers some aspects of question. Satisfactory adaptation or application of concepts. Some irrelevant material. 30-39 Fail (Tolerable if not core module) [Limited] Contains a limited amount of the information required, with numerous major and minor errors. Only answers some aspects of question. Limited adaptation or application of concepts. Much irrelevant material. 0-29 Fail tolerable) [Poor] Contains none or almost none of information required and with many major and minor errors. Wholly fails to answer question. No adaptation or application of concepts. Largely irrelevant material. (Not Ideas generally expressed logically and coherently. Very good use of appropriate mathematical / diagrammatic exposition. Ideas generally expressed logically. Some linking of ideas within the text. Good use of appropriate mathematical / diagrammatic exposition. Ideas sometimes expressed logically. Limited linking of ideas within the text. Satisfactory use of appropriate mathematical / diagrammatic exposition. Ideas rarely expressed logically. Little or no linking of ideas within the text. Limited use of appropriate mathematical / diagrammatic exposition. Ideas expressed incoherently. No linking of ideas within text. Little or no use of appropriate mathematical / diagrammatic exposition. Synthesis and context Excellent integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates substantial understanding of topic within a wider context. Good integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates understanding of topic within a wider context. Evaluation Shows substantial evidence of sound independent thinking and critical awareness. For higher marks there will be clear evidence of originality. Shows evidence of independent thinking and critical awareness. Competent integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates understanding of the topic and its context but with some minor errors. Satisfactory integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates limited understanding of topic and its context. Shows some evidence of independent thinking and critical awareness. Minimal integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates little understanding of topic and its context. Shows little or no evidence of independent thinking or critical awareness. No integration of ideas and information. Demonstrates no understanding of topic and its context. Shows no evidence of independent thinking or critical awareness. Shows limited evidence of independent thinking and critical awareness. Foundations of Marketing MAR4002 Group Project Briefing Practicalities • Groups of 4-6 within same tutorial group • Upto 4,000-word report due Monday Group presentations will take place within tutorial sessions in either week 11 and 12 - max 10 minutes/group • Use feedback from presentation to inform group report • Complete group confirmation by 2nd February at the latest • You will present your project ideas within the tutorial on 9th February Working in a Group Is an important life skill Play to each group member’s strengths Notify any group problems to tutor ASAP Last date to notify tutor of any group work problems is 9th March 2021 • Use the work plan sheets posted on Canvas to document tasks/allocated duties (this will help if there are any group disputes) • Nominate a group leader to co-ordinate ( but their role is co-ordination not to do it all!!!) • • • • You have been given the brief of launching a new product/service. Working in groups you are asked to apply your marketing knowledge and develop a new product/service within a chosen market (e.g. the car market; the shampoo market; the study aid market). You are required to provide answers, in report format and also presenting your work in oral form during one of your last tutorial sessions, to the following questions: • Provide a brief analysis of your chosen market. This should include an overview of how it has performed over recent years and the key competitors within it (10 marks) • Identify and describe the different ways that the market is/can be segmented. (20 marks) • Choose which segment you plan to target, justifying your choice. (10marks) • Decide on and describe how you will position your product versus the competition within your chosen segment. 10 marks will be allocated for relevant application of semester 2 academic content (40 marks) Marks will also be awarded for presenting your work: Present your findings in an oral presentation (10 marks) Present your findings in a written report (10 marks) • • • Guidance CHOOSING A MARKET • You are required to pick a single market. • You are advised to choose a market that interests you. • It is also important that the market you choose is going to allow you to answer the set question. • It is recommended that within your groups you pool your ideas about your potential market choice. • Make sure that there is adequate information available upon which to base your discussion. ANALYSING THE MARKET AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION (10 MARKS) • Comment on how sizeable the market is/the characteristics of the market (e.g. Is this a growing market?); how lucrative this market is; who the key players are within this market? • You are encouraged to email your subject librarian and find market intelligence reports as sources of secondary data. The lecture session in week 2 of semester 2 is designed to help you with this) • It may help by doing some field work (i.e. looking at the products in situ), and by looking at advertising and other communication. • NB. Only use concepts/frameworks covered in lectures (e.g. Porter’s 5 forces/SWOT analysis is not expected) IDENTIFY AND DESCRIBE THE WAYS THE MARKET IS/CAN BE SEGMENTED (20 MARKS) • You will be expected to identify and describe the key segments in your chosen market. • To do this you may start by identifying the key brands within your market and consider who they are targeted at (e.g. Head and Shoulders in the shampoo market, targeted at people with dandruff). • Segmentation is defined by the core text book as the identification of individuals or organisations with similar characteristics that have significant implications for the determination of marketing strategy. • You will also need to make reference to the segmentation bases discussed in lectures/tutorials/texts. • Consumer markets, for example, are segmented in three main ways (behavioural, psychographic, and profile) and you will be expected to identify the way(s) in which your chosen market is/can be segmented. CHOOSE WHICH SEGMENT YOU PLAN TO TARGET, JUSTIFYING YOUR CHOICE (10 MARKS) • Targeting refers to the choice of which market segment(s) you choose to serve with a tailored marketing mix. • Choose one segment to target, and describe it fully – you may choose to draw a pen portrait of the typical target consumer • Justify your choice of segment making reference to classical segmentation characteristics • For instance, comment on market factors, competitive factors and the political, social and environmental factors which make your chosen segment so attractive to target through your marketing efforts • DECIDE AND DESCRIBE HOW YOU WILL POSITION YOUR PRODUCT VERSUS THE COMPETITION WITHIN YOUR CHOSEN SEGMENT (40 MARKS) In order to do this, you should develop your discussion around marketing mix decisions (4Ps or 7Ps) • You need to use the relevant theory from lectures to support your decisions • You should produce perceptual and positioning maps, and consider potential sources of differential advantage • You should decide whether you will take a very analytical or creative focus (or both!) • Within this stage of your group project you are encouraged to consider the specialist areas of marketing (covered in semester two) in detail – upto10 marks will be awarded for relevant semester 2 content being applied • Use as many topics from semester 2 (e.g. Branding, creativity, digital marketing, ethics) that fit your project (along with the principles from semester 1 content) PRESENT YOUR FINDINGS IN AN ORAL PRESENTATION (10 MARKS) • During tutorial time in the last 2 weeks of the semester • Maximum 10-minute presentation per group • Use appropriate media that suits your device (check connectivity before you are due to present) • The exact content of this presentation will be briefed to you later in the semester • After the presentation you will receive some oral formative feedback from your tutor • Use this feedback to improve your written project • PRESENT YOUR FINDINGS IN A WRITTEN REPORT (10 MARKS) • Use headings and sub-sections as necessary • Use appendices to support your work (but don’t go over the top!) • This is an applied piece of work and you are expected to reference market intelligence reports etc. which will need sourcing/citing
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