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Homework answers / question archive / Each essay MUST be properly documented with parenthetical citations, which include the name of the author and the page number – there is no need for a works cited page, as the texts are all common

Each essay MUST be properly documented with parenthetical citations, which include the name of the author and the page number – there is no need for a works cited page, as the texts are all common


Each essay MUST be properly documented with parenthetical citations, which include the name of the author and the page number – there is no need for a works cited page, as the texts are all common. For the Textbook, (Hunt, page number) is sufficient. For the Sources book (Lualdi, page number).  If you want to cite the lectures, simply reference the name of the lecture (first slide of each lecture). 

Only in the case you use outside sources do you need to have a works cited page but I strongly discourage you from using general webpages like Wikipedia. If you do use online sources you need to offer a link to them in your works cited page. As this is an exam, any instance of plagiarism or use of outside sources that are not cited will be reported to an Academic Integrity Officer. Any exam that has no citations will receive 0 points.

Please keep in mind that the strongest historical essays pay close attention to the chronology of events. An essay that moves back and forth in time period is generally a disorganized essay, so I would suggest you try your best to keep your events and examples in chronological order.

After the Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions, many parts of Europe saw the creation of new systems of hierarchy and dependency, both in rural areas (often referred to as the feudal system) as well as in towns/cities. What were some of the reasons for the emergence of both the feudal system and the commercial system of guilds in medieval towns and villages? How did those systems contribute to general stability in the early medieval period, at least compared to the volatility of the preceding centuries?

For this topic, you don’t need to strictly compare/contrast the two systems. I am simply looking to see that you can discuss the general organization of medieval society both on the village and the city/town level.

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