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Homework answers / question archive / Overview For this acti vity, you will analyze your technology’s role in the event using one of the general educati on lenses and recommend strategies for using this kind of analysis to meet yourpersonal goals

Overview For this acti vity, you will analyze your technology’s role in the event using one of the general educati on lenses and recommend strategies for using this kind of analysis to meet yourpersonal goals


For this acti vity, you will analyze your technology’s role in the event using one of the general educati on lenses and recommend strategies for using this kind of analysis to meet yourpersonal goals. In this module and the next, you will draft the criti cal analysis secti on of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructorthat you can incorporate into your project submission.
Directi ons
In this acti vity, you will begin the criti cal analysis secti on of your project. Include diverse perspecti ves from varied sources to support your points. You should conti nue to gather thesources you will integrate into your fi nal project, which will include two resources from the Module Resources secti ons of this course and two resources that you fi nd through your ownresearch using the Shapiro Library. Look to the SNHU Shapiro Library for assistance in fi nding evidence and resources from outside the course.
You are not required to answer each questi on below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to bett er understand the criteria and guide your thinking.
Specifi cally, you must address the following rubric criteria:
reliable evidence from varied sources
throughout your paper to support your analysis.
It is important to draw from a diverse pool of perspecti ves from varied sources to support the analysis. This is diff erent from the Citati ons and Att ributi ons rubriccriterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citi ng and att ributi ng sources will be represented as APA in-text citati onsand a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.
Analyze your technology’s role in the event through one of the general educati on interdisciplinary lenses to determine the technology’s
impact on
insti tuti ons.
Apply the perspecti ve of the general educati on lens to your technology’s role in your selected event. Then determine how the topic might aff ect insti tuti ons such aspoliti cs, community, family, economy, educati on, or market-driven organizati ons.
Analyze how
social practi ces
have been shaped by the technology involved in the event.
How have social practi ces been infl uenced by the technology involved in the event? For example, consider practi ces such as communicati on, cultural expression,governance, or caregiving.
Describe at least one
limitati on
of the technology involved that could
benefi t from change.
Consider how your technology has been discussed and represented in relati on to your event. How might the technology have changed to bett er support the event?
What to Submit
Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited accordingto APA style. Consult the
Shapiro Library APA Style Guide
for more informati on on citati ons.
Module Three Acti vity Rubric
Profi cient (100%)
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)

Profi cient (100%)
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)
Reliable Evidence fromVaried Sources
Integrates reliable evidence from variedsources throughout the paper to supportanalysis
Shows progress toward profi ciency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include drawing from adiverse pool of perspecti ves, using morevaried sources to support the analysis, orintegrati ng evidence and sourcesthroughout the paper to support theanalysis
Does not att empt criterion
Impact on Insti tuti ons
Analyzes the technology’s role in theevent through one of the generaleducati on interdisciplinary lenses todetermine its impact on variousinsti tuti ons
Shows progress toward profi ciency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include using one ofthe lenses to analyze the technology’srole in the event, conducti ng a deeperanalysis of the impact of the event onvarious insti tuti ons through the chosenlens, or providing greater, more relevant,or more appropriate support for theanalysis
Does not att empt criterion
Social Practi ces
Analyzes how social practi ces have beenshaped by the technology involved in theevent
Shows progress toward profi ciency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include conducti ng adeeper analysis of how social practi ceshave been shaped by a specifi ctechnology, or providing greater supportfor the analysis
Does not att empt criterion
Limitati on That CouldBenefi t from Change
Describes at least one limitati on of thetechnology involved that could benefi tfrom change
Shows progress toward profi ciency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include providing morethorough support of why the chosenlimitati on could benefi t from change oradding more detail about the kind oflimitati on described
Does not att empt criterion
Arti culati on of Response
Clearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, demonstrati ng an understandingof audience and purpose
Shows progress toward profi ciency, butwith errors in grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling, negati velyimpacti ng readability
Submission has criti cal errors in grammar,sentence structure, and spelling,preventi ng understanding of ideas
Citati ons and Att ributi ons
Uses citati ons for ideas requiringatt ributi on, with consistent minor errors
Uses citati ons for ideas requiringatt ributi on, with major errors
Does not use citati ons for ideas requiringatt ributi on

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