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Homework answers / question archive / IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE1 College of Banking and Financial Studies Assignment Brief – BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Level 5) Assignment 1 Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Academic Year Spring 2019-2020 Unit Assessor Dr Omar Ali Ibrahim/ Mr Hibbathul Careem Feroskhan I

IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE1 College of Banking and Financial Studies Assignment Brief – BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Level 5) Assignment 1 Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Academic Year Spring 2019-2020 Unit Assessor Dr Omar Ali Ibrahim/ Mr Hibbathul Careem Feroskhan I


IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE1 College of Banking and Financial Studies Assignment Brief – BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Level 5) Assignment 1 Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Academic Year Spring 2019-2020 Unit Assessor Dr Omar Ali Ibrahim/ Mr Hibbathul Careem Feroskhan I. V. Name Mr. Vaheed Assignment Title Importance of integrating equality and diversity practices in workplace Issue Date 9th March 2020 Formative Feedback Date 10th April 2020 Final Submission Date One working week from date of formative valuation completion 1 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE2 Contents College of Banking and Financial Studies ......................................................................................... 1 Assignment Brief – BTEC ................................................................................................................ 1 Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 3 Task P1: .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Task P2: .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Project management plan: ............................................................................................................... 5 Task P3: .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Task P4: .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Recommendation: ........................................................................................................................... 9 Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................... 10 References ..................................................................................................................................... 12 2 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE3 Introduction: Talent management is an important factor since employees can feel skilled, engaged and motivated. In that case, they can perform different duties according to the organization goals thus a positive business performance. Talent management therefore plays an important role in Oman since it attracts and maintains high quality employees, helps in skill development and providing motivation for improvement of their overall performance. Due to the increased globalization within the world, people need to interact primarily from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs than it was ever before. Task P1: Importance: People have come together to form a more significant part of the worldwide economy and face other competitive continents. For the same reason, both profit and non-profit organizations have seen the need for diversity for their creativity and openness to change. A distinct advantage will get held by organizations that know effective diversity management in the workplace in the future. That kind of advantage will be more beneficial, especially in the recruitment and hiring of specific talents. The post, therefore, provides an outline of the best way organizations can easily approach and ensure management of diversity in the workplace through proper advice and actionable tips. Objective: • In understanding the meaning of diversity, especially within the workplace, we learn that it implies the differences between individuals within an organization. • In learning diversity, we know that involves identifying individuals and how they get perceived by others within the workplace. • Different aspects get encompassed when diversity gets engaged in the workplace, such as age, ethnic groups, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, military service, physical and mental conditions, and other specific differences between various individuals (Kumra, 2012 n.p). Aims: 3 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE4 Diversity has many benefits within the workplace. A perfect example is for the starters since a large pool of applicants can get obtained, especially for the organizations that have committed to recruiting a diverse workforce. That is important since by doing so, they can easily find candidates that are even more qualified and also reduces the time that it would take to fill out vacant positions. There is an excellent risk of missing out on qualified candidates, specifically by businesses that fail to recruit from diverse pools of talent. That being the case, they might, in the same way, have difficulties in filling out essential roles, which have a positive impact on recruitment costs. Different positions can hardly get filed out by qualified candidates by various organizations through its recruitment from various pools of talent. A workforce that is diverse has more benefits to the employer brand and thus of importance when deciding on the right talent. A force that is diverse with employees that are multilingual and those obtained from various ethnic backgrounds can be vital to organization that needs to improve or expand activities that deal with local, regional, national or international markets. The incorporation of diversity within the workplace has other spontaneous benefits. Employees that come from different backgrounds can have the chance to provide perspectives and other creative new ideas to the same organizations about their cultural experiences. A diverse workplace offers valuable knowledge to organizations in understanding their target demographics and what inspires them. The organization's culture can better get aligned by a diverse workplace through America's demographic makeup. Moreover, customer satisfaction will increase by improving employees' interaction with a more varied public and clientele. Implementing different initiatives to understand diversity is to create appreciation and awareness of the many differences that co-exist among employees from various backgrounds. That gets solemnly done with the hope of enhancing their workgroup relationships (Green et al., 2002 p.2). Methodology 4 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE5 Different primary and secondary methods were used to reach for the project aims and goals. Interviews were conducted with top management for the purpose of assessing talent management within the college. The provided study uses inspiration from various typologies that depict perspectives from a wide range of organizations on the management of diversity and provides their articulation in a more detailed way. Various practice-driven indicators get to be applied and also highlight distinct contingent factors. The final framework, therefore, provides an investigation of diversity management in Oman. The provided literature consists mainly of theoretical literature that offers adequate support for the framework that involves equality and diversity with essential themes such as performance appraisal, leadership role, and other significant policies that could get implemented within an organization. According to an earlier survey and demographic study by the Pew Research center, there will be no single ethnic or racial majority in most parts of the U.S. The diverse population shift will have significant positive effects on the workforce and how different companies teach diversity and equality at the work. Objectives To examine different policies and practices that will help protect employee's rights and comply with other government regulations. To assess that the organization's non-official `rules` are explained thoroughly to every employee to facilitate organization culture and values to every worker. Task P2: Project management plan: Managing Diversity in the Workplace For the HR professionals, it is evident that they get presented with unique challenges in managing diversity within the workplace. However, the same difficulties can get avoided if the company makes an effort to encourage an environment that is heterogenous through promoting a culture that is of excellent communication, tolerance and the creation of conflict management methods in addressing problems that might come up. For the effective management of diversity within the work, leaders should know their different backgrounds and how their beliefs and 5 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE6 behaviors affect decision-making in an environment that is diverse (Sharma, 2016 p .10). Different aspects get encompassed when diversity gets engaged in the workplace, such as age, ethnic groups, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, military service, physical and mental conditions, and other specific differences between various individuals. Execution Tips for the management of workplace diversity Prioritizing communication is an important aspect when it comes to managing a diverse workplace. Organizations must ensure they have effective communication with their different employees. It should communicate the proper procedures, policies, safety rules, and other vital procedures to its respective employees. That will ensure no problems such as language cultural barriers through translation of symbols, materials and pictures when needed. Communication will provide a diverse workplace since employees can freely interact with each other and work hand in hand towards reaching organizational goals. Employees: Treating every employee as an individual also makes a formidable tip in the management of workplace diversity. That can significantly get achieved by an organization if they avoid coming up with assumptions on employees from various backgrounds. In reaching the same, leaders must judge an employee's action, emphasizing his/ her failures and success rather than focusing on their different experiences. By doing so, an organization can have the chance to know how to help the same employees based on their point of weakness. That will moreover increase the employee's level of motivation and thus help create a diverse workplace. A vital tip moreover is the encouragement of employees towards working in diverse groups. That is an important aspect that can get implemented by the organization. Employees can have the chance to understand and know each other more positively. It has different benefits since they can value each other without coming up with negative notions, for instance, about cultural misunderstandings. Therefore, diverse groups will create a uniform environment that will help the organization reach its different objectives and goals (Monks, 2007 n.p). 6 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE7 The organization should also look towards basing its standards on the objective criteria. In that kind of scenario, the organization can establish one standard of rules that would get applied uniformly to all employee groups regardless of the type of background they come within. Therefore, the organization can ensure that all employment actions such as discipline follow standardized criteria. That is an essential aspect since it will work towards ensuring that every employee receives equal treatment. Aim: It is essential to be open-minded, which also forms a critical tip in the organization. It should encourage and recognize employees to understand that one's own culture, background, and other experiences are not the only things that provide value. Different ways of incorporating a diverse range of talents and perspectives should be looked upon in the other employees' efforts to achieve organizational goals. Objectives: The recruitment and hiring of talent is also an important tip. It can get necessitated by an organization to build a diverse workplace by hiring employees from different backgrounds. There is a need for good leadership qualities, for instance, those who make good leadership decisions that will help overcome bias during interviews and talent assessment. An organization can therefore achieve a diverse workplace if they avoid bias by hiring individuals with proper credentials, the right education, and experiences and skills. Policies and Practices There is an excellent need to ensuring that different practices and policies get followed in the protection of employee's rights by any organization that aims to embrace diversity. Other government regulations should also be in place, which goes along with the same policies. An organization has the mandate to consider its policies and practices on different groups of employees. Such companies can therefore ascertain their employees' different feelings regarding diversity policies by coming up with ways of obtaining employee feedback. That can get achieved through the creation of suggestion boxes and doing random surveys. There is value in the type of 7 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE8 feedback received, either positive or be it negative. Companies need to ensure the adoption and changing of various policies that can get considered as not helpful or obstructions to respective employees. It is also essential for organizations to ensure that the organization's non-official `rules` get explained and illustrated thoroughly to every employee to facilitate the communication of company culture and values to every worker. Task P3: Monitoring of the project Documentation of Policies and Procedures When diversity policies get correctly documented, it proves to be an effective way to communicate a company's stance regarding diversity. Once necessary plans are ready to be put to action, various documents that illustrate every policy should get incorporated in the employee handbook. Policies relating to diversity should get reviewed with a new hire. The making of any important update should as well get informed to the current employees. Variety should get covered by the employee handbooks in different sections. They include conditions and termination of employment, compensation and benefits policy, non-discrimination policy that allows employees to understand more about diversity, and the code of conduct that outlines the same guidelines. Zero-Tolerance Policy When an organization's workplace is diverse, it implies that off-color jokes regarding religion, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity dealt with zero-tolerance enforcement. Slurs, bullying, and name-calling any given employees for no particular reason are never allowed in today's workplace. There is a need to implement various policies that will facilitate the handling of misconduct and provide communication to employees for no toleration of such kinds of behaviors. Organizations will also ensure that safety is provided to all employees if they feel like reporting behaviors they deem as inappropriate, especially by their co-workers. That can get 8 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE9 achieved by establishing a formal complaint policy that will guide the employees on the proper way of reporting issues and the proper authority involved. Sensitivity Training There is a need for awareness among employees on how to exist with a wide range of people and understand their cultural sensitivity for the development of harmony in a diverse workplace. Sensitivity training is a significant aspect as it helps manage diversity within the workplace as most of their employees develop a sense of self-awareness, thus substantial in understanding their prejudices and cultural biases. Sensitivity training comes along with many benefits. Employees can easily adjust and manage their perceptions of different people that come from various backgrounds. They can develop better ways of appreciating other people's views. Employees can know offensive actions from others and have a more excellent perception of the same. It helps in conflict resolution, for instance, when an employee is offended by a co-worker, thus learns how to communicate and solve calmly. It allows an employee on the proper apology method, especially to a co-worker if they happen to offend them unknowingly. Generally, there should be the inclusion of all employees in sensitivity training. A significant impact gets established if unique training gets facilitated for the managers. We have other companies that even provide online classes for sensitivity training (Dahanayake, 2018 n.p) Task P4: Stay Abreast of Diversity Laws Diversity management within the work is an essential aspect. It implies that a business should change employee-related laws and other trends, such as those diversity-related changes. There is a need for the regular review of internal policies by organizations, such as those involving equal opportunity and harassment, and ensuring they reflect the most current regulations and other laws. There is an excellent need for tracking regional changes to regulations and laws, especially if the organization's presence is multi-state or international. That is so because they could be wildly varying from state to state, country to country. Recommendation: 9 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE10 Organizations should extensively work towards encouraging diversity. Any business that can successfully manage variety within the global talent market will establish a competitive advantage over others in employer branding, innovation, and differentiation. We should ensure that we have different policies and practices that will help protect employee's rights and comply with other government regulations. It is also of great importance to make sure that the organization's non-official `rules` get thoroughly explained to every employee to facilitate company culture and values to every worker. Conclusion: Qualitative analysis has gotten used in most parts of the provided literature and has gone to a greater extent to show diversity and equality management. The provided literature consists mainly of theoretical literature that offers adequate support for the framework that involves equality and diversity with essential themes such as performance appraisal, leadership role, and other significant policies that could get implemented within an organization Within the globalized world, to obtain a competitive edge, it is evident that equality and diversity play a significant role. However, preliminary research is primarily within the human resource papers since the western system gets mainly followed. Therefore, there should be the inclusion of documents that have a more contextual approach that would get used in future research to facilitate the globalized world that keeps on changing. In understanding the meaning of diversity, especially within the workplace, we learn that it implies the differences between individuals within an organization. In learning diversity, we know that involves identifying individuals and how they get perceived by others within the workplace. A diverse workplace provides valuable knowledge to organizations in understanding their target demographics and what inspires them. The organization's culture can better get aligned by a diverse workplace through America's demographic makeup. Due to the increased globalization within the world, people need to interact primarily from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs than it was ever before. People have come together to form a more significant part of the worldwide economy and face other competitive continents .Moreover, customer satisfaction will increase through the improvement of employees' interaction 10 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE11 with a more varied public and clientele. Implementing different initiatives to understand diversity is to create appreciation and awareness of the many differences that co-exist among employees from various backgrounds. That gets solemnly done with the hope of enhancing their workgroup relationships. There is a great need to reevaluate basic approaches during the management of diversity about the direction of human resources to understand all types of diversity and its benefits (Green, 2002 p. 2). 11 IMPORTANCE OF INTERGRATING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN WORK PLACE12 References Green, K.A., López, M., Wysocki, A. and Kepner, K., 2002. Diversity in the workplace: Benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools. EDIS, 2002(2). Dahanayake, P., Rajendran, D., Selvarajah, C. and Ballantyne, G., 2018. Justice and fairness in the workplace: a trajectory for managing diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. Kumra, S., Manfredi, S. and Vickers, L., 2012. Managing equality and diversity: Theory and practice. Oxford University Press. Monks, K., 2007. The Business Impact of Equality & Diversity: the international evidence. National Centre for Partnership & Performance. Sharma, A., 2016. Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), p.1212682. 12 Managing a Successful Business Project Dr Omar Ali Ibrahim ALYAZIYA KHALIFA AL-MUSHEIFRI ST10617 Introduction: Universities and colleges contribute to the development of talent and it is an important role in development and development at the national level in the fields of economic development, political development and social and cultural transformation. The relationship between universities and development and development is not a one-way relationship, while universities can form and develop society and can take the contributions of universities Development has various forms in different countries. Talent management is a management based on human resources that allows educational institutions to overcome difficulties and choose qualified individuals between the required talents and the existing talents that fit its objectives. Talent management in higher education selects the right individual in the right place. The Talent Department also increased Omanisation in colleges and universities and decreased the number of foreigners by 15.7% in 2020. "The German University of Technology in Oman is a private university that was established in 2007 in Halban cooperation with RWTH Aachen University in Germany, which is considered one of the most important technical universities in Europe. Planning for this university began in 2003 with the encouragement of Sultan Qaboos bin Said, and in 2007 the Ministry of Higher Education in the Sultanate issued a ministerial decision to establish this university, and in 2008 the name of the university changed to the German University of Technology in Oman." -This was followed by the development of four bachelor's programs: -Sustainable tourism and regional development. -Urban Planning and Urban Design. - Applied Geosciences. - Information Technology Applications. -The university later added two programs within its undergraduate programs namely: - Process Engineering. - Mechanical engineering. “The German University of Technology in Oman must better define the necessary standards in research, education, and innovation in order to become a leading university in the field of technology in the Sultanate of Oman first and the Arab region second, and this university must provide its students with the necessary education to be highly qualified and socially responsible graduates guided by Ge. With strong roots in Omani culture and history. In order to improve research and growth, the university also encourages innovative and critical thinking. The university hopes to benefit the entire community by doing so. It adheres to specific ideals embodied by the university's adherence to ethical standards in all faculties, and it embraces students and staff of all genders, ethnicities, and regional backgrounds. It promotes the connection between Oman and Germany as one of peace and tolerance, and it welcomes further cultural exchange between the two countries." I am a director of human resources at the German University of Technology in Oman which is a private university, and I have been asked to undertake a project to review the talent management policy at the university that includes the administrative and educational staff and develop an appropriate strategy to increase Omanisation. P1_ • Definition of talent management: Having the right number of employees in the right place at the right time with the right skills is important. 1) Talent management is described as the systematic selection, growth, and retention of actual employees at work, and it is a real and measurable benefit for the German University of Technology. It is the administration that makes coordinated and deliberate efforts to achieve distinguished success by identifying the best human talents, retaining, improving, and investing them in the most productive investment to achieve the Organized goals. Objective: To increase the Omanisation of Omanis in the German University due to the increase of non-Omani employees during the past 4 years and the difficulty of obtaining Omani employees with experience and certification required by the university curriculum and also the problem of accepting large numbers of non-Omanis in the university, which led to the management of human talents to obtain solutions and Increasing Omani employees and students at the German University. Steps to achieve the goal: The German University seeks to plan for the needs of the university now and in the future from talented people. Recruitment and employment: 1- Employing Omanis to increase Omanisation and giving them a mission to Germany to learn about the nature of the academic situation and the new methods that he will acquire from abroad to apply them in the university on the university’s approach. 2- Conducting annual training courses and workshop for Omani teachers on modern methods of teaching. 3- Developing methods of selecting Omani students with intermediate and high degrees in English and obtaining advanced methods of selection through modern tests to determine the level and intensifying the study of a language in the first year for students. 4- Providing the needs of the administration and departments of human resources capable of work, diligence, diligence and creativity. Talent management helps attract, motivate, develop and retain employees to achieve the university's goals now and in the future. A plan for assessing the goal: • Evaluation of the German University of Technology's talent management system: The talent management process must be reviewed from time to time in order to assess the status of talent at the university, compare the organization's talent conditions to those of competing universities, and determine if the strategic plan for talent and producing results. A method for evaluating the project: 1- Conducting interviews with new employees who have been sent monthly foreign missions to Germany to measure the extent of benefit and learn modern teaching methods. New ideas can also be obtained through personal interviews. 2- Conducting a free monthly training workshop for university employees. 3- Experience every year in the best modern tests to determine the level of students in the acceptable majors. 4- Making sure of the administration employees and conducting interviews to find out what is new and the quality of their work and keep pace with development and what is recent. P2_ Project plan: The aim of the project is to develop how to manage talent, select the best talent and leaders, and to increase Omanisation at the German University of Technology. Outputs: Changing the university system and opening the door to the Omanisation process for employees and students so that the outputs of Oman have a certificate and a strong teaching to help build Oman and Oman's economy. The time during which the project will be implemented: - The first and second week of an interview with the Human Resources Department of the German University of Technology about policies related to talent management, knowledge of the project's competence, and holding meetings with stakeholders and the university president. - Three and four weeks. Taking ideas from the Human Resources Department to develop a steering committee or unit to be responsible for planning and implementing this policy, studying it, and working on how to succeed. - Fifth and sixth week Developing a plan for the communication process and choosing the best way to disseminate educational information to increase the success of the project. -Seventh and eighth week of work quality identified Monitoring the state of talent management at the German University of Technology. - The ninth and tenth week of measuring the risks that the project is exposed to in the short and long term, financial risks, strategic risks and reputational risks. - The eleventh and twelfth week measure of project success. the quality: The extent of the plan’s progress must be measured on the conditions set to ensure the success of the plan, through personal interviews for employees, following up on all employees in all work, and measuring the success of placement tests for students admitted to the university. Challenges: 1- The amounts spent on the employees in the missions and the training workshop. 2- Getting the best placement test for students according to their major. Resources: Human and Financial Resources work with us on this project to achieve the goal In human resources, it sets the plan, is implemented and monitors the work, to ensure success and obtain the best solutions for the Omanisation client. As for the financial resources, it supports the project with the financial sums to maintain the university budget to ensure the functioning of all branches P3_ the project to develop in how talent is managed and to select the best talents and leaders in the German University of Technology Time W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 Activities The first and second week of an interview with the Human Resources ? ? Department of the German University of Technology . Three and four weeks Taking ideas from the Human ? ? Resources Department to develop . Fifth and sixth week Developing a plan ? ? for the communication process. Seventh and eighth week of work quality. The ninth and tenth week of measuring the risks that the project . The eleventh and twelfth week measure of project success. ? ? ? ? ? Series1 15 12 9 6 1 week1&2 3 week3&4 week5&6 week7&8 week9&10 week11&12 ? P4_ Welcome to the participants. This questionnaire aims to know the level of employees in relation to talent management followed at the German University of Technology, and no information provided in this questionnaire was disclosed: - Personal information: 1- Age: ( ) 25-30, ( ) 30-35, ( ) 40-45 2 -Gender: ( ) male, ( ) female. 3- Choose your level of consent for talent management at German University of Technology. - (SA) Strongly agree, (A) Agree, (N) Unconfirmed, (D) disagree, (HD) Strongly disagree. SA A N D HD The university selects the best Omani talents from its students. There are no difficulties for the university's demands from students at the university. There is a large number of the faculty members from Oman. The students' placement test works according to the accepted major. Omani students or employees have a major role in the university. The Omanisation process is important at the university There is a rating of 1-10 for the university and it means (1) that you are satisfied with the system related to talents at the university and No. (10) means not satisfied: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . • He gave us suggestions that could develop and there are new methods in the system of policies related to talent at the German University of Technology: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . M1_ Key Milestones Create a project plan Study the project plan Defining project goals The beginning of the project The research and implementation stage of the project How to audit stage Project work Determine the challenges and problems faced by the project Application of solutions to solve challenges and problems The last evaluation of the project and the solution of all problems The end of the project Estimated Completion Date 1/1/2020 15/1/2020 29/1/2020 1/2/2020 4/2/2020 23/2/2020 5/3/2020 25/3/2020 5/5/2020 1/6/2020 M2_ It is necessary to perform periodic project reviews in order to ensure that the work is being done as scheduled in order to ensure the project's performance. Even if data on costs, schedules, and completed work is obtained, detailed feedback for comparison and a closer look must be planned. On the job to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Questionnaire: Through the questionnaire, the organization and individuals can communicate with customers and get to know their orientation and their satisfaction: 1- What do they think about the service provided by them? 2- What they want and expect from them. 3- Learn the extent of employee satisfaction. 4- The reasons that influence the effectiveness and quality of work are determined. 5- Knowing the problems because there are solutions for them 6- Gathering information from a large number of people in a quick time and with little effort. Benefits : Information is obtained and problems can be identified and the questionnaire is used as a reference for information that helps the researcher to compare the results of the study he conducted with the results of previous studies. I chose the electronic questionnaire for the speed in obtaining the answers and the ease of spreading it to everyone through social networking sites in this project. The project work is evaluated are: 1- Continuous review 2- And periodic checks 3- Doing a questionnaire periodically to ensure the progress of the plan. 4- Evaluations of important events 5- The final audit of the project And for the past they were all applied to the project applied to the German University of Technology Conclusion: Human resources are present at the beginning of the advent of management expertise, to help organizations handle and support their staff, according to management principles. As we will discover that talent management is a set of interconnected corporate human resources processes aimed at attracting, developing, motivating, and retaining highly productive employees. Appropriate talent management entails a series of human resource initiatives aimed at attracting, developing, and retaining top performers. It has been extended to the German University of Technology in the Sultanate of Oman, which is of vital importance. Reference: 1-Writer, S., 2021. The importance of talent management and why companies should invest in it. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 April 2021]. 2021. What Is Talent Management and Why Is It So Important?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 April 2021]. 3-GuideSpark. 2021. What is the Talent Management Process and Why is it Important? | GuideSpark. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 April 2021]. 4-Software, S., 2021. What are the benefits of talent management? - Saviom. [online] Resources Library. Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2021]. 1) Make sure the theme is about talent management and not about equality and diversity. 2) Write the tasks in the following sequences. For example Task P1 aim Objectives. Give like 4 objectives stated as follows To assess To identify Το To you Task P2 AIM 10 Deliverables Time Quality Communication Risk Resources Task P3 - Work break down structure - Gantt chart 6-16 ? Ho Task P4 The questionnaire (attach a sample of a questionnaire) The interview the secondary sources Please refer to the assignment tips that has been given to you. ..:OE

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