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Homework answers / question archive / Logistics companies are constantly improving the way they manage their relationship within the business environment in various areas

Logistics companies are constantly improving the way they manage their relationship within the business environment in various areas


Logistics companies are constantly improving the way they manage their relationship within the business environment in various areas. As a junior manager entering the industry, you will compare and contrast how DHL and Aramex manage these , PARTICULARLY IN BAHRAIN OR THE GULF REGION. it's fine to use data from other areas ONLY if you cant find data from the gulf area.

  • Compare and contrast how your two companies are reducing their carbon footprint
  • Think of the different personality types of workers that may be in your companies then explain how you would motivate them
  • Think of a job vacancy that may be needed in your companies then explain why you would recruit internally or externally for it
  • Identify training needs that may be needed in your companies, then explain how that training would best be delivered and reviewed
  • Think of something that may need to be changed in your companies, then explain how you would implement the change

-600-700 words each for questions 1, 2, 4, 5

Assessment Cover Sheet Complete and attach this cover sheet to your assessment before submitting Assessment Title Assessment 2 Programme Title: BILM Course No.: TL6300 Course Title: Managing in the Transport and Logistics Environment Student Name: Student ID: Tutor: Leon Clark Due Date: 12th June 2021 Date submitted: By submitting this assessment for marking, either electronically or as hard copy, I confirm the following: ? ? ? ? This assignment is my own work Any information used has been properly referenced. I understand that a copy of my work may be used for moderation. I have kept a copy of this assignment Do not write below this line. For Polytechnic use only. Assessor: Grade/Mark: Comments: Date of Marking: Submission Date: Saturday 12th June at 23:59pm (via Moodle, Turnitin) Weighting: 60% (marked out of 100). Type: Individual Word Count: 600-700 words each for questions 1, 2, 4, 5 300-400 words for question 3 Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the process of management within a logistics and transport environment (particularly from a position of a junior manager entering the industry) 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of management throughout different companies across changing industry modes. 3. Use relevant models to analyse the external environment and the role of information systems and technology in a logistics and transport environment industry modes Assignment background: Logistics companies are constantly improving the way they manage their relationship within the business environment in various areas. As a junior manager entering the industry, you will compare and contrast how different companies manage these areas, particularly in Bahrain or the Gulf region. You will be allocated a pair of companies from the following list or others you are familiar with: • Starbucks and Costa • Zara and Red Tag • Alosra and Lulu • Toyota and Mercedes • Home Store and Home Centre • Body Shop and Lush • DHL and Aramex • Two other companies as agreed with your tutor Assignment task: 1. Compare and contrast how your two companies are reducing their carbon footprint 2. Think of the different personality types of workers that may be in your companies then explain how you would motivate them 3. Think of a job vacancy that may be needed in your companies then explain why you would recruit internally or externally for it 4. Identify training needs that may be needed in your companies, then explain how that training would best be delivered and reviewed 5. Think of something that may need to be changed in your companies, then explain how you would implement the change Your assignment should be written on this document (a Microsoft Word document - do not PDF the file) and appropriately formatted; headings and subheadings should not be used as it is in essay not report format, you should use either Calibri or Arial font (size 11), your work should be double-spaced and pages should be numbered. Remember to reference your work (including in-text referencing) at all times using the APA format. Submissions – Use this document as the template for your submission! Please submit the whole document including cover page, instructions, your essay and the rubric via Moodle. All assignments will be checked for plagiarism and originality using Turnitin. All submissions must be saved using the following naming convention (failure to do this may result in your assignment not being marked): • • First Name_ID number_ Assignment 2 E.g. Ahmed_20180090_Assignment 2 BILM Assignments – Rules & Guidelines ACADEMIC INTEGRITY & HONESTY: When submitting this assignment you are confirming that you have adhered to Bahrain Polytechnic’s policy on academic integrity and honesty including using APA referencing appropriately. Any violation of this will be dealt with as stipulated in the policy. LATE SUBMISSIONS: Late assignments are deducted 5 marks from your achieved mark for each 24 hour period after the due date. For example, an assessment which has been graded as 73% will be reduced to 68% for the first 24 hours late, and to 63% if late for a further 24 hours and so on. This applies to every day of the week including the weekend and all public holidays. Assignments which are submitted so late as to receive a negative mark will receive a final mark of zero. EXTENSIONS: On application, in writing, tutors may or may not approve an extension up to a maximum of two (2) days (including the weekend and public holidays) for an individual assignment. Applications for extensions must be received no later than 72 hours (3 days) before the due date. Only one extension per course will be given. Please note that extensions will not be given for group work, tests or exams. WORD LIMIT: All assignments have a required word limit which we permit a variation of +/-10%. For example an assignment with a 3000 word limit means that you can submit between 2700 to 3300 words. These words come from the main body of your writing i.e. your introduction to your conclusion. We do not include title pages, contents pages, reference list or appendices. In-text referencing is included in the word count. Submissions which are substantially under the word limit will receive a low mark for failing to answer the question fully. If a submission is over the word limit, the tutor will simply stop marking at that point where it is 10% over (e.g. 3300 words for an assignment with a 3000 word limit).You will not receive any marks for work that is submitted outside of the maximum word limit. GHOST WRITERS / ESSAY MILLS: In cases where there is strong concern over the authorship of your submission (i.e. we suspect someone has written it for you), you will be required to attend a meeting (either face-to-face or online) with your tutor and PM or HoS to ‘defend’ your work. If you are unable to satisfy all parties that the work is yours by displaying a thorough knowledge of the contents, concepts, terminology etc., a full academic misconduct investigation will be carried out. Due to the severity of this, a possible outcome is your permanent exclusion from the Polytechnic. Please refer to the generic Course Guide or your tutor is you require further clarification of the above points. Please write your assignment here The marking framework for each question is tabled below: Met criteria to an excellent standard Met criteria to a very good standard Met criteria to a satisfactory standard Did not meet criteria A B C F How the two companies are reducing their carbon footprint has been excellently compared and contrasted. How the two companies are reducing their carbon footprint has been well compared and contrasted. How the two companies are reducing their carbon footprint has been adequately compared and contrasted. How the two companies are reducing their carbon footprint has not been adequately compared and contrasted. The different personality types of workers in your companies and how they could be motivated has been excellently explained The different personality types of workers in your companies and how they could be motivated has been well explained The different personality types of workers in your companies and how they could be motivated has been adequately explained The different personality types of workers in your companies and how they could be motivated has not been adequately explained The reason for recruiting internally or externally has been excellently explained The reason for recruiting internally or externally has been well explained The reason for recruiting internally or externally has been adequately explained The reason for recruiting internally or externally has not been adequately explained Identification of training needs and how that training would be best delivered and reviewed has been excellently explained Identification of training needs and how that training would be best delivered and reviewed has been well explained Identification of training needs and how that training would be best delivered and reviewed has been adequately explained Identification of training needs and how that training would be best delivered and reviewed has not been adequately explained Identification of a need for change and how that change would best be managed has been excellently explained Identification of a need for change and how that change would best be managed has been well explained Identification of a need for change and how that change would best be managed has been adequately explained Identification of a need for change and how that change would best be managed has not been adequately explained Answers are excellently structured. Information is excellently presented, flows appropriately and can be clearly understood. Answers are well structured. Information is presented well and can be easily understood. Answers are adequately structured. Information is reasonably well presented and can be adequately understood. Answers are not well structured. Information is not presented adequately, does not flow appropriately and/or cannot be adequately understood. Part 1 Carbon footprint 20% (LOs 1 & 2) Personality types 20% (LOs 1, 2 & 3) Recruitment 10% (LOs 1, 2 & 3) Training needs 20% (LOs 1, 2 & 3) Change management 20% (LOs 1, 2 & 3) Structure, presentation, use of English and referencing APA referencing is correct. 10 % APA referencing is mostly correct. APA referencing is poor. No APA referencing at all.

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