You need some questions solved in a set period of time? or you are simply confused on some questions and need a doubt clearance session. For all such queries that are time senstitive and need to be completed in a short time period, this is the right page for booking service in that. You can fill the form on right side with whatever info you know. Upon submission of this form, you will redirected to a webpage where an agent will discuss your requirements and book a session with the expert. This is a completely private session and all contents of it are deleted once this session gets over.
There is no fixed price for such a session as it varies greatly per your requirements. You can let us know the details of such session after you fill the form and our agent will provide you the cost. If you have any budget in mind, then please fill that in the Approx. budget field.
We have a chat portal quite like whatsapp where you can quickly exchange text, images, docs etc with the expert and he will provide answers quickly. We do not offer video/call service with an expert currently however we are working on enabling that as well.
Yes, all the contents of this session are completely deleted once it gets over.