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Homework answers / question archive / Campbell University ENVS 111 Ch

Campbell University ENVS 111 Ch

Earth Science

Campbell University

ENVS 111

Ch. 17 Practice Quiz

1)The main events in the hydrologic cycle include

  1. The temperature at which gaseous water condenses to form liquid water is called
  2. Evaporation is greatest at
  3. Approximately              percent of earth’s water is freshwater
  4. According to the United Nations, by 2025, 2/3 of the world’s population will be living in draught-stressed conditions.
  5. The dip in the water table below wells is called the
  6. Worldwide per capita use of water has
  7. The largest single use of water for industrial purposes is for
  8. Obtaining usable freshwater by processing seawater is
  9. Aquifers are porous underground geological formations form which water can be extracted
  10. Groundwater recharge in most areas of the U.S. is just barely keeping up with the rate of water withdrawal.


  1. Transpiration
  2. Rain shadows
  3. Wetlands are important for the infiltration of water into aquifers


  1. Which of the following are characteristics of aquifers?
  2. Clearing forests can
  3. Of the world’s fresh water, nearly             % is tied up in glaciers, ice caps and snowfields.
  4. Water tables rise and fall seasonally.
  5. The total amount of water taken from a lake, river or aquifer for any purpose is known as


  1. Which of the following irrigation techniques is least wasteful of water?







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