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Homework answers / question archive / MKT 5504 Final Exam Elixr is a Philadelphia-based coffee company

MKT 5504 Final Exam Elixr is a Philadelphia-based coffee company


MKT 5504 Final Exam

Elixr is a Philadelphia-based coffee company. From their website:

“Founded in 2010, we are continually engaged in perfecting the sourcing, roasting, preparation, and delivery of the most delicious coffee we can find. Today we operate 3 cafes, and supply wholesale coffee to much of the city, throughout the Atlantic Northeast and beyond. We are on a mission to deliver transformative coffee experiences through the sourcing, roasting, brewing and serving of the planet's most unique coffees.”

Imagine they recently opened up a new café location in Kansas City, and you joined their team as the marketing manager.


Question 1

Your first task is to understand the customer base, so you ask for any recent customer insights. You are given the following report on the café customer base in Philadelphia.

Each square represents 200 customers.


Based on this perceptual map, how would you segment the Philadelphia market? Name and describe the segments that you find meaningful.




Question 2

Next, you want to figure out how to apply this market segmentation to Kansas City. Specifically, you need to find out which of these segments are present here in Kansas City, and how large each of these segments are.


How might you go about doing this? Describe 2 ways you could learn about the Kansas City market: one qualitative, and one quantitative. In your answer, make sure to describe (a) the research methodology you would use, and (b) what kind of information you could learn from that method specifically.





Elixr Coffee has recently secured a new sourcing partnership with a family-owned coffee business in Colombia. You plan to buy, roast, package, and sell the coffee here in the US. You are asked to manage the launch and promotion of this new product.

Question 3

To begin thinking of the product and value proposition, you consider the domain of coffee in general.

What value is provided by the coffee beans (in general)? Describe the economical, functional, and psychological value associated with coffee.



Question 4

Your next task is to pitch a promotional campaign for the new line of coffee.

First, define the following types of promotion strategies: "push" and "pull."

Then, give an example of what you could do to promote the new line of coffee for each strategy: one "push" and one "pull."

Finally, identify which strategy you would pursue first and why.




Question 5

One of your colleagues provides you with a competitive analysis of other coffee offerings in the Kansas City market, and you now have to consider whether to price just above or just below comparable market offerings.

For both strategies (pricing just above, or pricing just below), identify one pro and one con of each. Then identify which strategy you would choose and why.



Question 6

Imagine it has been a few months since the launch of the product, and sales of your new coffee line are stagnating. Those who had an interest in trying the coffee have done so, and those who would become loyal purchasers of the coffee have already been captured. So, you now want to re-invigorate excitement and increase sales.

First, define primary and secondary demand.

Then, give an example of how you could increase sales of the coffee line by increasing each type of demand: primary vs. secondary.

Finally, identify which strategy you would pursue first, and why.



Question 7

This question is OPTIONAL and UNGRADED.


Provide any confidential feedback/details on your group project dynamic (positive or negative) that you would like me to know. For example, did anyone on your team contribute disproportionately MORE or LESS than the other team members?


If you have no comments, type NA.




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