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Homework answers / question archive / Xuxin Mao Professor Tamara Chung Constant Advanced Communication Strategies 23 November 2014 Problems with globalization Introduction When human beings started to live in groups during ancient age, for them, the world is only the village where they live in because it is difficult for them to survive individually, and they cannot move a long distance in a short amount of time during their lives

Xuxin Mao Professor Tamara Chung Constant Advanced Communication Strategies 23 November 2014 Problems with globalization Introduction When human beings started to live in groups during ancient age, for them, the world is only the village where they live in because it is difficult for them to survive individually, and they cannot move a long distance in a short amount of time during their lives


Xuxin Mao

Professor Tamara Chung Constant

Advanced Communication Strategies

23 November 2014

Problems with globalization


When human beings started to live in groups during ancient age, for them, the world is only the village where they live in because it is difficult for them to survive individually, and they cannot move a long distance in a short amount of time during their lives. Nowadays, the world is also like a village to us because of globalization, a connection between each countries that keeps growing stronger. The definition of globalization is a little bit different to every people, but the basic meaning of globalization is that “globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world” (“globalization 101”).  People are so close to each other by using new technology, can use internet to obtain the news and knowledge from all over the world, and can buy products produced from foreign countries because air and sea travel make companies have chance to sell their various cargos to other counties. The benefits of globalization really attract people; therefore, many people living in the country which does not globalize urge their own country to join globalization. However, according to the article “the Annan Fears Backlash Over Global Crisis”, Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary General, said, “'Globalization is a fact of life, but I believe we have underestimated its fragility” (Cowell)

Mr. Annan’s words were like the ring of alarm to the “fans” of globalization. After understanding his words, we can get answers to two questions. Is globalization a trend in the world? The answer should be “yes”, because we have experienced two globalization eras marked by empire and new international order backed by the United States, and we are in the third era now (Hendrix). Nevertheless, is globalization always beneficial for all countries? The answer is obviously “No”. Actually, at that time when incomplete globalization creates benefits to countries, it also brings plenty of problems to the world, such as economy instability, populism, intellectual property rights, and cultural impact and so on. These problems are so serious that people should not ignore them. Actually, Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens (ATTAC), an international organization involved in the alter-globalization movement, was established in 1998(“Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions and Aid to Citizens”).  In addition, if you review the history, you will find that some radical people even tried to use violent behaviours, such as breaking windows and doodle, to stop the World Trade Organization (WTO) from publishing free trade policy ( The problems with globalization have become extreme now, so it is necessary for people to realize the major problems in order to help people find a better way to develop globalization.

Although the problems with globalization are complex and plural, these problems can basically be categorized into two main parts which are economy and culture. This is the fact that the globalization causes wealth disparity in the global economy and loss of global culture. In[koc1] [koc2] [koc3]  other words, economy represents material influence that and culture represents spiritual influence. Analysing the two aspects will help us completely realize the negative influence during the globalization.

Economy impact

The national markets are like stages for companies, and they are like actors on stage to perform themselves. Globalization is the process of combining stage and, therefore, all the companies possess bigger platform to show their abilities and exchange their experiences. However, the competition is fierce; the strong survives and the weak company eventually will fall and quit from market. The truth that globalization actually breaks the original economic environment leads to a gap between the rich and poor, make global economy unstable, and hurt many developing countries’ sustain development.

            The gap between the rich and poor actually is a normal phenomenon in capitalism system since the people who are smarter or work harder should obtain more wealth than lazy people, and if the problem is not so serious, the society would work normally and maintain stability. Unfortunately, globalization brings huge impact to economy and hereby expand the gap unexpected. The news mentions that the polarization between the rich country and poor country make people worry. In the passage “Globalization Widens Rich-poor Gap, U.N Report Says”, it shows that 97 percent of worldwide patent was controlled by America and some other industrial country and also means that the poor developing country fall behind too much in technical aspect. In addition, the fact that “An American needs to save a month's salary to buy a computer; a Bangladeshi must save all his wages for eight years to do so” farther not only proves that the developed country obtain more economy benefits than poor developing country during the globalization but also shows that the poorer country have less ability to chase rich country (Miller). Although the news published long time ago, if the rich country do not provide enough help to poor country, the gap would still keep growing because it is an endless loop that strong countries can achieve more benefits and possess higher ability to expand advantages, and the poor country still do not get enough source to develop. Actually, the gap between rich and poor also reflects on each individual in the country. Take America, the strongest industry country, as an example. In the article “The income gap”, according to economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, the top 1 percent people earned high single-digits portion of whole national income 30 years ago. In 2004, the portion has nearly doubled to 16.2 percent. “Meanwhile, the share going to the top one tenth of 1 percent has more than tripled to 6.9 percent”, if the statistic Includes capital gains such as stock, and the numbers even are more exaggerated: The top 1 percent people will possess 19.5 percent of total national income, and the top 0.1 percent people hold 9.2 percent (Pethokoukis). The reason why gap becomes serious now is globalization. In the same article, author points out the fact that “the real economy-the one that pays wages-just isn't growing as fast as the financial economy” because globalization expands stock market intensely. Hence, the people who only used wages as the only income source will lose money during the globalization. More importantly, the requirements to workers improves now since the companies have a world platform where they can find cheap labours from other developing country, so what the businesses really need are the workers owning special technology. Many workers cannot fit in the new model and lose their jobs (Pethokoukis). The situation also expands the gap between the rich and poor.

Globalization also makes the whole economy market become more unstable than before. It is easy to understand that globalization connects each country economy close, as a result, the country economic stability is not only dependent on the economic factors in country but also dependent on the international economic influence. One impressive example is the Mexican financial crisis in 1994. This crisis was that Mexican government suddenly announced that peso, the Mexican currency, devalued 15% on February 19th in 1994, and the decision made market panic, so foreign investors exchanged peso to dollars dramatically in order to save money. The investor psychology caused that peso devalued even faster and the Mexican government lost huge foreign exchange reserve, and then whole Mexican market became chaotic. Actually, one of major cause of Mexican peso crisis is globalization. In the article “The Mexican Financial Crisis: Genesis, Impact, and implications”, it concludes one important economic change in Mexican that from 1988 to 1994, “the Mexican economy had gone from being one of the most protected in the world to one of the most open-with clear, transparent rules of the game and a marked continuity of policy”. At that time, Mexico attended many international economic work such as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (AEPC). The extremely economy globalization actually attracted a large amount of foreign investment but the Mexican government did not have complete system to supervise the market, and then Mexican export lost competitive strength because the foreign investment improved the peso value and country deficit grew up (Springer and Jorge L. Molina). Finally, it caused the Mexican market corruption. Additionally, in the passage "The Mexican Peso Crisis: Implications for International Finance”, the author indicates that the negative influence brought by Mexico is also globalization. After Mexican peso crisis, economic decline happened in most of Latin-America countries. Especially, Brazil share index declined about 11% and Argentina share index declined about 5%. As cooperative partner, American also provided huge money to help Mexico stabilize market (Truman). Analysed from Mexican peso crisis, globalization improves the degree of difficulty for government to control country economy and expands the influence of economy impacts.

            Moreover, since most of developed countries think about their own strategic interest, many industries which pollute seriously are decided to build in developing countries. This action hurts many developing countries’ sustainable development. In the article “High pollution industry transfer from developed countries and China's Countermeasures”, in1960s, Japan shifted 60% high polluting, high consuming industry to Southeast Asia and Latin-America countries. America also shifted 39% heavy industry to other country (Zhao). These industries not only consume resource in other country but also bring environmental problems to the country.

            The globalization creates plenty of commercial opportunities to us but also brings economy problems. If we do not pay attention to these problems, the people who next get hurt may be one of us.

Culture impact

            Compared to the loss of money, the loss of culture seems like more terrible. Without culture, people even do not have the suited way to live because they lose the spiritual indication. However, globalization is causing the loss of culture. During globalization, language disappearance and identity confuse become two obvious problems.

            Language is the delivery tool of culture. The diverse languages record special and fascinated culture. However, the globalization reduces diversity of language now.  It is the fact that “there are nearly 7,000 languages spoken today. Only a fraction of these languages are truly global, spoken by millions of people. These include Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, and Hindi. The remaining 6,550 languages have a much more limited scope, and many are in danger of being lost entirely. 94% of the world's population speaks 6% of its languages, while 6% of the world's population speaks 94% of its languages” (national graphic). The reason why major people only use few languages is that globalization forms neo-liberal market, and people are unconsciously forced to use the language spoken by the strong country in the world (Cameron). Consequently, more people decide to learn the major language in order to obtain affluent material life and forget the useless minor language during the globalization.

            The confusion of identity is a weird but really existed problem. Many people, especially in eastern country, must accept western values or opinions which sometimes contradicts their own original culture now. Thus, many people become confused when they change identity that follow traditional culture or global view.  In the article “GLOBALIZATION AND IDENTITY:


AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS”, it shows that “global culture has as its characteristics individualism and consumerism, which is in contrast to the cultural tradition of collectivism and frugality in Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and China.”  As a result, the people, especially the youngers who accept international education, in these countries faced a cultural dilemma and are confused to choose identity to fit in the environment.

            Globalization connects each country culture together and it is inevitable that some culture are more acceptable and become popular, but it is not the excuse of loss of culture. If people really pay attention to discover the good aspects of their own culture and keep them, the world would be full of diverse culture.


            It is an information explosive era, and the different countries’ culture, different people’s ideas and different science development come together because of globalization. During the process of merging whole world minds and economy, there are many culture impact including diversity of language and loss of identity and economy impact including gap between rich and poor, sustainable development and instability of world market. Globalization cannot stop and the only choice we can make is to face the problems and find solutions to fix them. After fixing the problem, it must be interesting and brilliant world.




















Work cited

"What Is Globalization?" Globalization101. Globalization 101, n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014

Cowell, Alan. "Annan Fears Backlash Over Global Crisis." The New York Times. The New              York Times, 31 Jan. 1999. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

Hendrix, Michael. "The New Era of Globalization." U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.                    U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 1 Feb. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

"Overview." The International Attac Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

"1999 Battle of Seattle." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

Miller, Judith. "Globalization Widens Rich-Poor Gap, U.N. Report Says." New York Times 13                     July 1999: A8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Pethokoukis, James. "The Income Gap." U.S. News & World Report 142.3 (2007): 53-55.               Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Springer, Gary L., and Jorge L. Molina. "The Mexican Financial Crisis: Genesis, Impact, And                     Implications." Journal Of Interamerican Studies & World Affairs 37.2 (1995): 57-81.                     Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Truman, Edwin M. "The Mexican Peso Crisis: Implications for International Finance." Federal                  Reserve Bulletin 82.3 (1996): 199. Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Zhao, He. "????????????????? (High pollution industry transfer from                    developed countries and China's Countermeasures)." Docin. Docin, n.d. Web. 22 Nov.                  2014

"Language Diversity Index." - National Geographic Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Cameron, D. "Language: Diversity In Danger." Critical Quarterly 44.4 (2002): 135-139.                            Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

 [koc1]Sentence on wealth disparity in the global economy and another sentence of what part of culture you will examine.




Instructor: McNutt, S.


Rhetoric Essay #2:

Making an Evidence-Based Argument


Task: Write a four-part essay where you define a controversy, narrate the thought process that guided your research and present the results of your research in the form of an annotated bibliography using a minimum of five sources, three of which are not Internet-only sources. All of your sources must meet the criteria for credibility outlined on page 217 in the course-pack.[1] Finally, you will write a one-page explanation where you describe the argument you’ve discovered as a result of your research and the rhetorical moves you intend to make in presenting this argument as a speech. Typed and printed in a 12-point standard font, double-spaced, with a title, name, date, etc.


For your first essay, you will research a topic that will help you make an argument that is either an argument of definition, or an argument of consequences (causes/effects, i.e. who is to blame) or an argument about the future (a call to action about what will or should happen in response to a situation). Your first step should be to identify a subject area of interest, look into it to try and discover questions and controversies associated with it. Only once you have found sources that appear to speak to each other should you try and state what the controversy is.  


Part One: Define your controversy.  

This section will describe the controversy you have discovered. It will explain why it is a legitimate issue and who is most concerned/affected by a future outcome. Who is part of the conversation? What is at stake? (Length: ¼ to a ½ page.) For assistance, review the chapter beginning on page 24 in the course-pack. 


Example (argument of the future):

“There are no seasons in the supermarket. Now there are tomatoes all year round…Although it looks like a tomato, it’s kind of a notional tomato. I mean, it’s the idea of a tomato” (Food, Inc.). This quote from “Food, Inc.” conveys how the production of food has drastically changed due to the rapid growth of the fast food industry since the 1950s. Recent changes in the industry have come from advancements in science and technology. Today, multinational corporations control the food production market. Their business goals include producing large quantities of food at low prices, resulting in large profits. Attaining large profits involves keeping costs low which usually causes these corporations to overlook certain health and safety hazards. The controversy I’m interested in exploring is whether or not we are able to feed our growing nation with a traditional, more organic method of food production. Note: This is incomplete. It does not yet include everyone who is part of the conversation. It would also be helpful to know what the writer means by “recent changes.”


Part Two: Narrative

This part tells the story of your research while explaining your personal interest in the subject and what was difficult or interesting. Who helped you? Think of it as before and after photos where you show us what you thought at the beginning of the process and what you thought at the end, and why. It might contain something like this: “Before ___, I didn’t know much about __ but in reading about ___ I discovered that ___. Learning that ___ made me reconsider ____, but due to

Instructor: McNutt, S.

___ I began to doubt the trustworthiness of the source. Investigating their claims taught me that

____.” (Length: whatever it needs to be; probably at least 1-2 pages.)


Part Three: Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is like a Works Cited list where you write about the source. What does it tell you? Who made it? How does it relate to your topic? What did it teach you? Why is it credible? Is it a form of advocacy? For assistance, see pp. 223-225 in the course-pack.



Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Perf. Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan. Magnolia Pictures, 2009.


“Food, Inc.” is a documentary by director Robert Kenner. Kenner began his career in 1971 as an assistant cinematographer and has directed seven documentaries since. Kim Roberts, writer and editor, is known for working on multiple documentaries and has edited more than 17. Lastly, Elise Pearlstein, the documentary’s writer and producer, has written seven documentaries and produced ten, which tells me these people are at the very least experienced in how to tell compelling stories. It doesn’t mean they are right but it does mean that anything I notice on the screen is the result of a conscious choice. 

The documentary attempts to reveal the secrets of the food industry kept from the American consumer. Kenner’s purpose is to influence consumers to get the multinational corporate giants to change their ways of production. “Food, Inc.” argues to change the current method of food production back to a more traditional, “slower,” more organic method. 

        “Food, Inc.” attempts to convey that multinational corporations control the raising, processing, and sale of food in this country. Corporate giants such as Monsanto, Purdue, and Cargill have successfully bullied and controlled the food industry for years. Robert Kenner attempts to unveil the kept secrets of the industry by showing the methods of beef and poultry production. Also, he unveils the kept secrets of the agricultural industry and how it has changed drastically with the new genetically modified foods. 

 “Food, Inc.” is a credible source and important part of the conversation around GMOs, especially when viewed as an example of those who are suspicious of the intended and unintended consequences of food production controlled by a small number of large companies.  Length: as needed – probably at least 2-3 pages.)


Part Four: Conclusions (Your Argument)

Think of this as the second half of your narrative where you discuss what the research you just described taught you. What did you learn? What point do you want to make when discussing this topic? Define it as specifically as possible. State your argument. Link it to the supporting evidence in your annotated bibliography. Finally, and importantly, describe how you plan on presenting this argument in a way that is appropriate and accessible to your classmates. Think of it as if you are giving yourself a to-do list for your speech. For assistance, see pp. 39 in the course-pack. It’s a good list of the questions we ask when performing a rhetorical analysis. Now that you are the one making the argument, it can serve as a list of things to try do in making your argument. 




  • Library Research Day: Wednesday, November 9 (meet at the library).
  • Subject and sources due by email to instructor by Monday, November 14. 
  • Rough draft workshop: Monday, November 28. Bring at least three sources and a draft of parts one and four. 
  • Final essay due: Wednesday, December 7. (Papers available during exam week. Arrange pick-up with instructor.)




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