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Homework answers / question archive / What do families need, want, use, and buy? More marketers are getting to know Mom as they gather information about the acquisition and consumption preferences and patterns  of households with children

What do families need, want, use, and buy? More marketers are getting to know Mom as they gather information about the acquisition and consumption preferences and patterns  of households with children


What do families need, want, use, and buy? More marketers are getting to know Mom as they gather information about the acquisition and consumption preferences and patterns 
of households with children. Some companies monitor what moms are saying about products or problems on parenting websites and blogs. A growing number of marketers 
are sponsoring special areas on social networking sites geared  towards mothers, their 
goal being  to research specific questions or to generate feedback and word of mouth about certain  brands.

For instance, McDonald's created a Global Moms Advisory Panel to offer advice on its 
menu and its restaurants because "moms are so important to our business," says the chain's  head of global marketing. "We intend to listen and learn from our Global Moms Panel, with the goal of providing the possible experience for families in our restaurants around the world ." KFC's Moms Matter Advisory Board performs a similar function , serving as a sounding board for products and promotions under consideration. Looking for insights into future household trends, KFC's marketers also ask these moms about 
issues beyond eating out, such as how they manage daily stress and family

Proctor & Gamble is another company that is actively seeking the input and insights of   
mothers.  In particular,  it  wants to  find out  more about  the needs  and  interests  of  
moms who are 28 to 45 years old and have children who are 19 years old or younger.
Vocalpoint, P&G's  networking website has recruited more than 600,000 moms who fit this demographic profile. Once they join, the moms receive P&G product samples, tell the
company what they think of the products, and express their opinions in periodic focus
groups and research surveys. Vocalpoint sends moms a weekly e-mail newsletter with updates about what is on the  site and specific questions such as how and when they prefer to communicate their opinions.

In addition, the site invites moms to get involved in word-of-mouth campaigns for P&G 
products such as Febreze air freshener and Dynamo detergent. Not only is P&G getting  to know moms; it  is also getting  moms to know its products and to spread the word  about the products they like and use.
Knowing how much influence mothers have on household purchases, companies often 
target mothers with special campaigns. For example Johnson & Johnson, also advertises
directly to mothers.
Adapted from source: Hoyer, W.D. & Macinnis, D.J. (2010), Consumer Behaviour, 5th edn,  Cengage  South-Western.

1. What roles do mothers play in the family decision-making process? Are these roles likely to change from one situation to another?
 2. Do you agree with Procter & Gamble's strategy campaigns to have mothers spread the word about their products? Explain your answer.
 Do you think other members of the family will notice and respond to a marketing campaign that target mothers? Why or why not?

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