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Homework answers / question archive / MidTerm SYSE 620 Question 1: The following activities are fundamental to the Requirements Engineering process

MidTerm SYSE 620 Question 1: The following activities are fundamental to the Requirements Engineering process

Computer Science

MidTerm SYSE 620

Question 1:

The following activities are fundamental to the Requirements Engineering process. Match the activity to the description.















  1. Write down the requirements in a way that stakeholders and software developers can understand.
  2. Go back to the system stakeholders and check if the requirements are what they really need.
  3. Understand the requirements, their overlaps, and their conflicts.
  4. Control the requirements changes that will inevitably arise.
  5. Inevitably, stakeholders’ views will differ, and proposed requirements might conflict. Try to reconcile conflicting views and generate a consistent set of requirements.
  6. Identify sources of information about the system and discover the requirements from these.

Question 2:

According to a study, teams with successful projects balance the requirements engineering activities  between elicitation, modeling, and verification and validation. (True or False)

Question 3:

Highlight the characteristics of good requirements (highlight all that apply)

  • Complete
  • Correctly derived
  • Feasible
  • Free of duplication
  • Identifiable
  • Inconsistent
  • Partial sentence
  • Unambiguous
  • Understandable
  • Unknown source
  • Verifiable

Question 4:

It has been estimated that between 40 percent and 60 percent of software defects and failures can be attributed to bad requirements. (True or False)

Question 5:

Is the following a good or bad requirement? Explain why it is a good or bad requirement:

  • Create a means for protecting a small group of human beings from the hostile elements of their environment.

Question 6:

A system of systems  has the following principle features. Align the features with the descriptions.

  • Operational Independence
  • Managerial Independence
  • Geographic Distribution
  • Evolutionary Development
  • Emergent Behaviour


  1. An SoS’s existence and development are evolutionary in the sense that objectives and functionality can be under constant change, as they can be added, modi?ed, or removed with experience. Thus, an SoS never appears completely formed.
  2. Any system that is part of an SoS is independent and is able to operate serviceably if the SoS is disassembled.
  3. Despite collaborating with the other members of the SoS, the individual systems are self-governing and individually managed so that they “not only can operate independently, they do operate independently.”
  4. The parties collaborating in an SoS are distributed over a large geographic extent. Although the geographic extent is de?ned vaguely, it is stressed that the collaborating systems can only exchange information and not considerable quantities of mass or energy.
  5. Through the collaboration between the systems in an SoS a synergism is reached in which the system behaviour ful?ls a purpose that cannot be achieved by, or attributed to, any of the individual systems.

Question 7:

All requirements engineering tools provide the same capabilities. (True or False)

Question 8:

Which of the following should be used in identifying stakeholders for requirements gathering (highlight all that apply)?

  1. Knowledge
  2. Interest
  3. Role
  4. Communication skills

Question 9:

Configuration Management (CM) is a business process that enables an enterprise to manage that a configuration is supposed to be, including changes, and ensure that configurations, when completed, conform to their documented requirements. (True or False)

Question 10:

CMII is a business model for an integrated process infrastructure that can accommodate change, keep requirements clear, concise and valid, ensure that work results conform and avoid the need for corrective action. (True or False)


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