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Homework answers / question archive / University of Washington, Seattle BIOLOGY 180 RQ08-Data Stats Analysis 1)Suppose we run a statistical test, and learn that p=0

University of Washington, Seattle BIOLOGY 180 RQ08-Data Stats Analysis 1)Suppose we run a statistical test, and learn that p=0


University of Washington, Seattle


RQ08-Data Stats Analysis

1)Suppose we run a statistical test, and learn that p=0.01. What does this mean?

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  2. If $100 is graphed on a logarithmic scale, it is 2 "log" dollars (because 10^2 = 100). The US government spent about $30 billion on science in 2015. How much is this on a logarithmic scale?
  3. If we want to compare the scores of 1st-year and 2nd-year students using a statistical test, our null hypothesis will be…
  4. On average, 1st-year students score 4.3 points higher than 2nd-year students. What do we use to decide if this difference is significant?
  5. In the test above, what was out test statistic?
  6. If I flip a fair coin and roll a fair six-sided die, what is the probability that I get a heads and a 2?
  7. If I roll a fair six-sided die, what is the probability that I get a 1 or a 6?
  8. In a population of diploid organisms, the frequencies of alleles for a gene are 0.1 "A", and 0.9 "a". If mating is random, and the alleles are neutral (they have no affect on fitness), what is the probability of two individuals mating and producing an offspring that is heterozygous (Aa)?
  9. In a statistical test, by increasing the sample size….


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